Here are 4 little hints that I think will help your English. Check with T if you don't understand what I am saying:
1. S is an important letter in English. Many plurals are formed with s: apple, apples, girl, girls, car, cars etc. Some words are made into plurals in a different way: woman - women| man - men| church - chuches| child - children | person - people | foot - feet | mouse - mice | tooth - teeth. Check all nouns in your dictionary to see how the plural is formed.
2. Only use an apostrophe (') in possessives: i.e. words that indicate that something belongs to the person or thing: Example, The cat's claws were sharp. This is ONE cat. If it were two cats you would say The cats' claws were sharp. Do you see the difference?
3. Compound sentences: When you have two complete thoughts joined by and, but, or, nor, for or other words that are conjunctions, separate them with a comma beforethe conjunction. Example: Jack and Jill ran up the hill, and Jack fell down. I like to write, but it makes me tired.
4. Always check spelling in your dictionary.
Take care, Sue
On-line English classes in vocabulary, grammar, reading and writing. Go beyond the drudgery of ordinary textbooks, enjoy literature and learn English directly from a great American writer.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Sabber's letter to Sue
Hi Sue
I hope you are fine. We read your letter to Faranak in the class. Now I want to say some things about that letter.
I think it is not a good idea that we discuss politics on the website because Discussing about politics can hurt our friendship.
Tow years ago, I lost one of my best friends because of politics, of course I have many opinions about politics.
I think you and I are different from our leaders, we are good friends for each other but my leader is not a good friend for your leader!
In any case, I hope that always you and I are good friends for each other.
And I will answer your questions in future.
Thanks a lot.
Your friend, SABBER
I hope you are fine. We read your letter to Faranak in the class. Now I want to say some things about that letter.
I think it is not a good idea that we discuss politics on the website because Discussing about politics can hurt our friendship.
Tow years ago, I lost one of my best friends because of politics, of course I have many opinions about politics.
I think you and I are different from our leaders, we are good friends for each other but my leader is not a good friend for your leader!
In any case, I hope that always you and I are good friends for each other.
And I will answer your questions in future.
Thanks a lot.
Your friend, SABBER
Maryam's letter to Sue
Hi Sue
Tanks alot for your letter. I'm so sorry because, Ianswer you very late. Last week I was very busy.
Now your answers:
Here in Iran all of schools have budgets but, the schools which get good rankings can have higher budgets. So teachers are very strict with their students and students can not enjoy studying.
Therefore schhols try to employ strict teachers. I want to be relax when I see a teacher for example our phisycs' techer is very very strict and I'm nervous in her class.
In gils' schools teacher's never strike students but, in boys' schools some teachers strike students but they are very rare.
At last I should say everything in Iran is university and because of this, even the best friends are rivals for together. Of course their contest is well.
Tanks alot for your letter. I'm so sorry because, Ianswer you very late. Last week I was very busy.
Now your answers:
Here in Iran all of schools have budgets but, the schools which get good rankings can have higher budgets. So teachers are very strict with their students and students can not enjoy studying.
Therefore schhols try to employ strict teachers. I want to be relax when I see a teacher for example our phisycs' techer is very very strict and I'm nervous in her class.
In gils' schools teacher's never strike students but, in boys' schools some teachers strike students but they are very rare.
At last I should say everything in Iran is university and because of this, even the best friends are rivals for together. Of course their contest is well.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Titles in America
If one is speaking or writing to someone, here are the titles you would use:
Mr. (Mister) any man
Miss an unmarried woman
Mrs. (Mistress) a married woman
Ms. When you don't know if a woman is married or unmarried.
Dr. Doctor This is used for medical doctors and also for persons with a PHD degree in any subject.
I thought this might help. Usually we are more informal in America. I want you to just call me Sue, although my title would be Mrs. Sue Petrovski. Before I was married I was Miss Sue Matthews. I married Mr. Rudy Petrovski and when a woman marries she takes his last name. Sometimes I sign myself as
Sue Matthews Petrovski
Mr. (Mister) any man
Miss an unmarried woman
Mrs. (Mistress) a married woman
Ms. When you don't know if a woman is married or unmarried.
Dr. Doctor This is used for medical doctors and also for persons with a PHD degree in any subject.
I thought this might help. Usually we are more informal in America. I want you to just call me Sue, although my title would be Mrs. Sue Petrovski. Before I was married I was Miss Sue Matthews. I married Mr. Rudy Petrovski and when a woman marries she takes his last name. Sometimes I sign myself as
Sue Matthews Petrovski
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Ehsan's letter to dear Sue
Hi dear Sue
Sorry that I post my letter late.
You know the schools and universities have opened and this year is very hard and my classes are very succinct.I have test class daily except Saturdays, Wednesdays and Fridays and also I have sport class on Saturdays and Wednesdays. Also I go to English class on Sundays and Thursdays.
You see my free time is on Fridays and I don't like it.
Have fun.Ehsan
Sorry that I post my letter late.
You know the schools and universities have opened and this year is very hard and my classes are very succinct.I have test class daily except Saturdays, Wednesdays and Fridays and also I have sport class on Saturdays and Wednesdays. Also I go to English class on Sundays and Thursdays.
You see my free time is on Fridays and I don't like it.
Have fun.Ehsan
Bahman's letter to Sue,
Dear Sue,
Colonial power, I think it is a big false for capture countries by governments like British, France, Spain, Portugal and etc. they just think to themselves. Colonial power is a noun for capture natural resources of that. I saw a picture from Pakistan’s torrent. An ill child. I was very sad. Pakistan is a very poor country.
Oh, I’m so sorry. Yes, my mean was treasures. Sometimes I had mistakes that they are very grisly. Carelessly.
Are Iranians in Denver? Here people tell that Iranians usually are in New York and Washington. I think in Canada Iranians live more than US. Is Canada more quite than us?
Take care,
Ps: It is a version from Cyrus cylinder in English.
I am Kourosh (Cyrus), King of the world, great king, mighty king, king of Babylon, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad, king of the four quarters, son of Camboujiyah (Cambyases), great king, king of Anshân, grandson of Kourosh (Cyrus), great king, king of Anshân, descendant of Chaish-Pesh (Teispes), great king, king of Anshân, progeny of an unending royal line, whose rule Bel and Nabu cherish, whose kingship they desire for their hearts, pleasure. When I well -disposed, entered Babylon, I set up a seat of domination in the royal palace amidst jubilation and rejoicing. Marduk the great god, caused the big-hearted inhabitations of Babylon to ……………… me, I sought daily to worship him.
He continues:
At my deeds Marduk, the great lord, rejoiced and to me, Kourosh (Cyrus), the king who worshipped him, and to Camboujiyah (Cambyases), my son, the offspring of (my) loins, and to all my troops he graciously gave his blessing, and in good sprit before him we glorified exceedingly his high divinity. All the kings who sat in throne rooms, throughout the four quarters, from the Upper to the Lower Sea, those who dwelt in ………………., all the kings of the West Country, who dwelt in tents, brought me their heavy tribute and kissed my feet in Babylon. From … to the cities of Ashur, Susa, Agade and Eshnuna, the cities of Zamban, Meurnu, Der as far as the region of the land of Gutium, the holy cities beyond the Tigris whose sanctuaries had been in ruins over a long period, the gods whose abode is in the midst of them, I returned to their places and housed them in lasting abodes.
I gathered together all their inhabitations and restored (to them) their dwellings. The gods of Sumer and Akkad whom Nabounids had, to the anger of the lord of the gods, brought into Babylon. I, at the bidding of Marduk, the great lord, made to dwell in peace in their habitations, delightful abodes.
May all the gods whom I have placed within their sanctuaries address a daily prayer in my favour before Bel and Nabu, that my days may be long, and may they say to Marduk my lord, “May Kourosh (Cyrus) the King, who reveres thee, and Camboujiyah (Cambyases) his son …”
Now that I put the crown of kingdom of Iran, Babylon, and the nations of the four directions on the head with the help of (Ahura) Mazda, I announce that I will respect the traditions, customs and religions of the nations of my empire and never let any of my governors and subordinates look down on or insult them until I am alive. From now on, till (Ahura) Mazda grants me the kingdom favor, I will impose my monarchy on no nation. Each is free to accept it , and if any one of them rejects it , I never resolve on war to reign. Until I am the king of Iran, Babylon, and the nations of the four directions, I never let anyone oppress any others, and if it occurs , I will take his or her right back and penalize the oppressor.
And until I am the monarch, I will never let anyone take possession of movable and landed properties of the others by force or without compensation. Until I am alive, I prevent unpaid, forced labor. Today, I announce that everyone is free to choose a religion. People are free to live in all regions and take up a job provided that they never violate other’s rights.
No one could be penalized for his or her relatives’ faults. I prevent slavery and my governors and subordinates are obliged to prohibit exchanging men and women as slaves within their own ruling domains. Such a traditions should be exterminated the world over.
I implore to (Ahura) Mazda to make me succeed in fulfilling my obligations to the nations of Iran (Persia), Babylon, and the ones of the four directions.
Colonial power, I think it is a big false for capture countries by governments like British, France, Spain, Portugal and etc. they just think to themselves. Colonial power is a noun for capture natural resources of that. I saw a picture from Pakistan’s torrent. An ill child. I was very sad. Pakistan is a very poor country.
Oh, I’m so sorry. Yes, my mean was treasures. Sometimes I had mistakes that they are very grisly. Carelessly.
Are Iranians in Denver? Here people tell that Iranians usually are in New York and Washington. I think in Canada Iranians live more than US. Is Canada more quite than us?
Take care,
Ps: It is a version from Cyrus cylinder in English.
I am Kourosh (Cyrus), King of the world, great king, mighty king, king of Babylon, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad, king of the four quarters, son of Camboujiyah (Cambyases), great king, king of Anshân, grandson of Kourosh (Cyrus), great king, king of Anshân, descendant of Chaish-Pesh (Teispes), great king, king of Anshân, progeny of an unending royal line, whose rule Bel and Nabu cherish, whose kingship they desire for their hearts, pleasure. When I well -disposed, entered Babylon, I set up a seat of domination in the royal palace amidst jubilation and rejoicing. Marduk the great god, caused the big-hearted inhabitations of Babylon to ……………… me, I sought daily to worship him.
He continues:
At my deeds Marduk, the great lord, rejoiced and to me, Kourosh (Cyrus), the king who worshipped him, and to Camboujiyah (Cambyases), my son, the offspring of (my) loins, and to all my troops he graciously gave his blessing, and in good sprit before him we glorified exceedingly his high divinity. All the kings who sat in throne rooms, throughout the four quarters, from the Upper to the Lower Sea, those who dwelt in ………………., all the kings of the West Country, who dwelt in tents, brought me their heavy tribute and kissed my feet in Babylon. From … to the cities of Ashur, Susa, Agade and Eshnuna, the cities of Zamban, Meurnu, Der as far as the region of the land of Gutium, the holy cities beyond the Tigris whose sanctuaries had been in ruins over a long period, the gods whose abode is in the midst of them, I returned to their places and housed them in lasting abodes.
I gathered together all their inhabitations and restored (to them) their dwellings. The gods of Sumer and Akkad whom Nabounids had, to the anger of the lord of the gods, brought into Babylon. I, at the bidding of Marduk, the great lord, made to dwell in peace in their habitations, delightful abodes.
May all the gods whom I have placed within their sanctuaries address a daily prayer in my favour before Bel and Nabu, that my days may be long, and may they say to Marduk my lord, “May Kourosh (Cyrus) the King, who reveres thee, and Camboujiyah (Cambyases) his son …”
Now that I put the crown of kingdom of Iran, Babylon, and the nations of the four directions on the head with the help of (Ahura) Mazda, I announce that I will respect the traditions, customs and religions of the nations of my empire and never let any of my governors and subordinates look down on or insult them until I am alive. From now on, till (Ahura) Mazda grants me the kingdom favor, I will impose my monarchy on no nation. Each is free to accept it , and if any one of them rejects it , I never resolve on war to reign. Until I am the king of Iran, Babylon, and the nations of the four directions, I never let anyone oppress any others, and if it occurs , I will take his or her right back and penalize the oppressor.
And until I am the monarch, I will never let anyone take possession of movable and landed properties of the others by force or without compensation. Until I am alive, I prevent unpaid, forced labor. Today, I announce that everyone is free to choose a religion. People are free to live in all regions and take up a job provided that they never violate other’s rights.
No one could be penalized for his or her relatives’ faults. I prevent slavery and my governors and subordinates are obliged to prohibit exchanging men and women as slaves within their own ruling domains. Such a traditions should be exterminated the world over.
I implore to (Ahura) Mazda to make me succeed in fulfilling my obligations to the nations of Iran (Persia), Babylon, and the ones of the four directions.
Sabber's letter to Sue
Hi Sue
I hope you are fine. In Iran schools and universities have started, and our holidays were about 3 months!
That may not be bad.
Having long holidays is good because we can rest an enjoy life and it's bad because it's too hard after long holidays to go to schools.
What about America?
Do you have long holidays for your students in summer like Iran?
Of course, these questions weren't good because you and I know that holidays in Iran are more than America, but I want to know more.
I wish you the best.
I hope you are fine. In Iran schools and universities have started, and our holidays were about 3 months!
That may not be bad.
Having long holidays is good because we can rest an enjoy life and it's bad because it's too hard after long holidays to go to schools.
What about America?
Do you have long holidays for your students in summer like Iran?
Of course, these questions weren't good because you and I know that holidays in Iran are more than America, but I want to know more.
I wish you the best.
Monday, September 27, 2010
niloofar'S letter
Stop watch
Some times I wish stop watch, if Ican stop watch Ican to correct our errors &we have more time to do our works.
Do you agree?
Some times I wish stop watch, if Ican stop watch Ican to correct our errors &we have more time to do our works.
Do you agree?
To mrs sahar
Thank you very much from your comment and guidance. Ok!!! If you can please you give this styles in CD or flash to Mr. taghdareh and I will see it and after I will say my choice to you and I give your help. BY HAMED
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Bahman's letter to Sue,
Dear Sue.
Cyrus cylinder is 3 months in Iran. The British takes many reassures from all countries the world. Africa’s countries, Iran, India, Mesr and etc. it is a bad work. They mustn’t take our reassures. Constitution is better than a law that it wrote by man (king), but the law’s writers must be an honest mans. I thing a parliament and a king or leader is better than a parliament. However, members of parliament must be an honest mans and a honest leader must administer on the members. However, the law has been widely criticized by people. Maybe corruption has been lesser. It is a dream. Any governments aren’t very honest, but sometimes are governments that they are better that before governments. In Iran history we have many examples of good governments. For example Cyrus, Karimkhan, King Khashayr, King Esmael, Grean Darush and etc. If you live in a good period of history, you are a lucky man. I glory that the first charter of human rights wrote by Cyrus.
Yes, I can help you if you tell me those songs about Shahryar poet.
Take care,
Your friend, Bahman
Cyrus cylinder is 3 months in Iran. The British takes many reassures from all countries the world. Africa’s countries, Iran, India, Mesr and etc. it is a bad work. They mustn’t take our reassures. Constitution is better than a law that it wrote by man (king), but the law’s writers must be an honest mans. I thing a parliament and a king or leader is better than a parliament. However, members of parliament must be an honest mans and a honest leader must administer on the members. However, the law has been widely criticized by people. Maybe corruption has been lesser. It is a dream. Any governments aren’t very honest, but sometimes are governments that they are better that before governments. In Iran history we have many examples of good governments. For example Cyrus, Karimkhan, King Khashayr, King Esmael, Grean Darush and etc. If you live in a good period of history, you are a lucky man. I glory that the first charter of human rights wrote by Cyrus.
Yes, I can help you if you tell me those songs about Shahryar poet.
Take care,
Your friend, Bahman
Saturday, September 25, 2010
To Mrs sahar
Hi Mrs Sahar ,
Thank you very much for your answer and letter. please tell me more information about this field, for example what is diffrence of classic guitar and other style? which one is better or which one is your suggestoin?Where do you teach and questions like these.I say again thank you very much for your letter.
Thank you very much for your answer and letter. please tell me more information about this field, for example what is diffrence of classic guitar and other style? which one is better or which one is your suggestoin?Where do you teach and questions like these.I say again thank you very much for your letter.
Sahar's letter to Mr Hamed..
Hi Mr Hamed.
I'm Sahar and I play the guitar. If you want to learn the guitar I can to help you.
And I just play the classic guitar and if you want to other style I can not useful for you.
I'm Sahar and I play the guitar. If you want to learn the guitar I can to help you.
And I just play the classic guitar and if you want to other style I can not useful for you.
niloofar'S letter
Dear sou
My name is niloofar, I'm 24 years old .
I live in tehran, my fild is chemistry .
I work in Q.A department in a factory &I like my job.
When I was a student in high school, my chemistry teacher was very moody and my chemistry marck very bad .
SO I more studied and tried to increase my knowlage about chemistry.
in the end, I became interested in chemistry and I studied field of chemistry in university and I could become a successful student university.
I can't waite to see you'r suggestion.
your friend niloofar
My name is niloofar, I'm 24 years old .
I live in tehran, my fild is chemistry .
I work in Q.A department in a factory &I like my job.
When I was a student in high school, my chemistry teacher was very moody and my chemistry marck very bad .
SO I more studied and tried to increase my knowlage about chemistry.
in the end, I became interested in chemistry and I studied field of chemistry in university and I could become a successful student university.
I can't waite to see you'r suggestion.
your friend niloofar
Friday, September 24, 2010
Bahman's letter to Sue,
Dear Sue,
Thank you for correcting my letter. I will be glad when you tell me my mistakes.
Usually memorial days are when Hafez, Sa’adi and etc were born or die. On Tuesday I went to the Iran national museum. The British Museum agreed to send the treasured Cyrus cylinder to Tehran. It is in Tehran for 3 months. It is first charter of human rights. King Cyrus wrote it about 2500 years ago. It is very painful. It is for Iranian people, but it is in The British Museum. I have a version of it. If you like know what Cyrus wrote in please tell me until I sent a version for you on the site.
We watch films in our classes. I cannot watch very well, because I have to travel further to get to class. I have about 1 hour drive by car if I have not traffic. Last Wednesday I was about 3 hours in traffic when I came back from our English class.
Did you find a book about Shahryar the poet?
Your friend,
Thank you for correcting my letter. I will be glad when you tell me my mistakes.
Usually memorial days are when Hafez, Sa’adi and etc were born or die. On Tuesday I went to the Iran national museum. The British Museum agreed to send the treasured Cyrus cylinder to Tehran. It is in Tehran for 3 months. It is first charter of human rights. King Cyrus wrote it about 2500 years ago. It is very painful. It is for Iranian people, but it is in The British Museum. I have a version of it. If you like know what Cyrus wrote in please tell me until I sent a version for you on the site.
We watch films in our classes. I cannot watch very well, because I have to travel further to get to class. I have about 1 hour drive by car if I have not traffic. Last Wednesday I was about 3 hours in traffic when I came back from our English class.
Did you find a book about Shahryar the poet?
Your friend,
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Hi Mrs Sue
I am sorry for writting my letter late. I and my parents went to an attractive trip last week. We went to Katalehkhour cave. It is in Zanjan province. It is 120 milion years old. There are beautiful ice forms in that. For example: lion's claw, elephant's foot, bride and groom and etc..
I hope that you go there too and you enjoy.
I am reading a book called the Prophet by Jebran khalil jebran. It is a very good book. I found peace when I read it. Did you read books of Jebran khalil jebran?
I hope that you go there too and you enjoy.
I am reading a book called the Prophet by Jebran khalil jebran. It is a very good book. I found peace when I read it. Did you read books of Jebran khalil jebran?
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Faranak's Writing
Hi Sue,
You said your daughter looked lovely as a bride and you can find a picture of yourself where you were married. Could you send me these pictures?
I really love to see them.
Dear Sue, if you want I can send to your e-mail some Iranian brides pictures.
I have a question but I don't know if I ask or don't. I worry about you became upset of my question. If my question is not good and upset you, please don't think about it and don't answer.
I want to know what American think about our Nuclear Energy? Do they think it isn't our right?
Have a nice time.
Your friend, Faranak.
P.S. Dear Sue, I had a very wonderful grandmother. I will write about her in another post.
You said your daughter looked lovely as a bride and you can find a picture of yourself where you were married. Could you send me these pictures?
I really love to see them.
Dear Sue, if you want I can send to your e-mail some Iranian brides pictures.
I have a question but I don't know if I ask or don't. I worry about you became upset of my question. If my question is not good and upset you, please don't think about it and don't answer.
I want to know what American think about our Nuclear Energy? Do they think it isn't our right?
Have a nice time.
Your friend, Faranak.
P.S. Dear Sue, I had a very wonderful grandmother. I will write about her in another post.
Bahman's letter to Sue,
Dear Sue,
Yes, I agree I must pay attention to a lot of details. I am so carless. Thank you for correcting my letter and your suggestions. It is interesting 24 hours of sunlight and 24 hours of darkness.
Oh, world war, it is awful.
Iranians in both world wars were very oppressed and hungry. Foods and drinks were for Russia and English solders, but people were hungry.
In Iran we have memorial days. For example Hafez, Sa’adi, memorial day.
We have a memorial week for Iran-Iraq war. For example we are in Iran and Iraq war week. In respect to those killed in war for Iran.
Could you see Payvar’s clip? Is it beautiful?
I am so sorry that my English is bad and I make many mistakes in my letters.
Thank you for your help.
I can understand your culture and I am so glad for this.
Take care,
Yes, I agree I must pay attention to a lot of details. I am so carless. Thank you for correcting my letter and your suggestions. It is interesting 24 hours of sunlight and 24 hours of darkness.
Oh, world war, it is awful.
Iranians in both world wars were very oppressed and hungry. Foods and drinks were for Russia and English solders, but people were hungry.
In Iran we have memorial days. For example Hafez, Sa’adi, memorial day.
We have a memorial week for Iran-Iraq war. For example we are in Iran and Iraq war week. In respect to those killed in war for Iran.
Could you see Payvar’s clip? Is it beautiful?
I am so sorry that my English is bad and I make many mistakes in my letters.
Thank you for your help.
I can understand your culture and I am so glad for this.
Take care,
Albert einstein
He was born in thr year 1879 in the germany .Her father was a saleman .He was in childhood very special and He spoke very late .He was very simple in life and He always wore old cloth .
He played violon becuase he learned it in his chilhood
He took diploma in 1896 .He alwaya took the best mark in the mathematics and phisycs and always he took the worth mark in history and geography.
He wrote many letters for mr borogerdy in Iran about eslam.He understood eslam in his life end and he said that quran is God book and reality but I wish understood it in my youth !!!
He died in 1955 .
He played violon becuase he learned it in his chilhood
He took diploma in 1896 .He alwaya took the best mark in the mathematics and phisycs and always he took the worth mark in history and geography.
He wrote many letters for mr borogerdy in Iran about eslam.He understood eslam in his life end and he said that quran is God book and reality but I wish understood it in my youth !!!
He died in 1955 .
Sabber's letter to Sue
Hi Sue
I hope you are fine. When I say: There are many rabbits in a small village,
in fact I don't mean exactly those rabbits are in a village, rather I mean
the village's surrounding forests.
When I was in that village , I saw five big rabbits just in one day, so it is
very surprising.
Finally I want to say that your letter was very great and I learned many
things and I don't know the story of the tower of Babol.
I wish you the best.
I hope you are fine. When I say: There are many rabbits in a small village,
in fact I don't mean exactly those rabbits are in a village, rather I mean
the village's surrounding forests.
When I was in that village , I saw five big rabbits just in one day, so it is
very surprising.
Finally I want to say that your letter was very great and I learned many
things and I don't know the story of the tower of Babol.
I wish you the best.
Sabber's letter to Sahar
Hi Miss Sahar
I'm Sabber. I have written a letter to you and you
answered me, now I want to say: Why you don't
write letters for our website?
Of course we know you are busy.
We know you are a musician and I think the
number of musicians in Iran is not more than other
countries like America, so if you share your
knowledge with us we will know many things
about music.
In Iran we don't have many musicians so please
answer my questions about music.
Thanks a lot.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
The Golden Rose of Utopia
I shall become a master in this art only after a great deal of practice.
--Eric Fromm
It is comforting to think that at some future date humanity will take stock of its successes and mistakes, its errors in judgment and its ability to surmount obstacles long enough to see where Utopia lies. Utopia is that perfect world we are sure we can find if we only look hard enough. I’m sure most of us would settle for a minor Utopia if it brought peace and a way to create good at the same time.
Here is a story of two such attempts and a hint at what we may have learned from them:
Tucked away in a remote spot in Indiana, USA, is one of the few examples in America of a community that owes its early creation to the hopes and dreams of communal living. New Harmony, Indiana,in the center of America,was founded in the early 1800’s by George Rapp and his group of Ex-Lutheran Christian "Rappites" from Pennsylvania. Rapp later sold the property to intellectuals led by the Englishman, Robert Dale Owen. New Harmony exists today as a sad example of man’s inability to find harmony in communal life--two communities, one founded on religion, and one established on the love of knowledge; both floundered and fell, unable to realize their dream of a Utopian world.
After the failure of the religious Rappite group in the 1820s, Owen's intellectuals sailed down the Ohio River on what history knows as "A boatload of knowledge," and they eagerly put their plans for a perfect society based on reason and good will into effect. In spite of their good intensions, lack of communal interest and, perhaps, a bit of laziness, caused Robert Owen's dream to also collapse.
What is left today in New Harmony are symbols of disappointment and continued hopes and dreams: A Roofless Church, commissioned by Owens’s granddaughter, who believed that only under the open sky could all men come together in prayer; a Labyrinth, or maze, symbolizing man’s complicated, puzzling life-journey, and a stone commemorating Paul Tillich, a Christian existentialist minister, whose ashes are scattered in the park underneath the large sycamore trees. Tillich loved this community and on his stone is this Tillich quotation:
"Man and nature belong together in their created glory – in their tragedy
and in their salvation."
His memorial is dedicated to the human bridge linking philosophy, theology and technology--the mind and spirit working together to craft a world dedicated to the common good of man: a Utopia, a dream, a salvation. Is the final answer really to be found on that human bridge? Knowledge alone wasn’t enough, religion alone wasn’t the answer, at least in the form presented, and technology alone simply provides toys for our amusement or our destruction. If we could just take a step beyond our single-minded attitudes we might have something to celebrate.
--Eric Fromm
It is comforting to think that at some future date humanity will take stock of its successes and mistakes, its errors in judgment and its ability to surmount obstacles long enough to see where Utopia lies. Utopia is that perfect world we are sure we can find if we only look hard enough. I’m sure most of us would settle for a minor Utopia if it brought peace and a way to create good at the same time.
Here is a story of two such attempts and a hint at what we may have learned from them:
Tucked away in a remote spot in Indiana, USA, is one of the few examples in America of a community that owes its early creation to the hopes and dreams of communal living. New Harmony, Indiana,in the center of America,was founded in the early 1800’s by George Rapp and his group of Ex-Lutheran Christian "Rappites" from Pennsylvania. Rapp later sold the property to intellectuals led by the Englishman, Robert Dale Owen. New Harmony exists today as a sad example of man’s inability to find harmony in communal life--two communities, one founded on religion, and one established on the love of knowledge; both floundered and fell, unable to realize their dream of a Utopian world.
After the failure of the religious Rappite group in the 1820s, Owen's intellectuals sailed down the Ohio River on what history knows as "A boatload of knowledge," and they eagerly put their plans for a perfect society based on reason and good will into effect. In spite of their good intensions, lack of communal interest and, perhaps, a bit of laziness, caused Robert Owen's dream to also collapse.
What is left today in New Harmony are symbols of disappointment and continued hopes and dreams: A Roofless Church, commissioned by Owens’s granddaughter, who believed that only under the open sky could all men come together in prayer; a Labyrinth, or maze, symbolizing man’s complicated, puzzling life-journey, and a stone commemorating Paul Tillich, a Christian existentialist minister, whose ashes are scattered in the park underneath the large sycamore trees. Tillich loved this community and on his stone is this Tillich quotation:
"Man and nature belong together in their created glory – in their tragedy
and in their salvation."
His memorial is dedicated to the human bridge linking philosophy, theology and technology--the mind and spirit working together to craft a world dedicated to the common good of man: a Utopia, a dream, a salvation. Is the final answer really to be found on that human bridge? Knowledge alone wasn’t enough, religion alone wasn’t the answer, at least in the form presented, and technology alone simply provides toys for our amusement or our destruction. If we could just take a step beyond our single-minded attitudes we might have something to celebrate.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Hi Sue
Perpahs it is good for me to speak a little bit about myself. I am a 18 year old boy studying in the last year of high school. I am T's neighbor so I live in Tehran. I study physics and mathematics in high school. I like the film "Lost' very much and I have all the series on DVDs at home. I come to T's classes with my sister Maryam. She is 16 years old and is in the second grade of high school. She studies physics and mathematics too. We both want to be civil engineers in the future and work togehter.
I hope you are fine. I know you are busy so without any extra sentences I ask my question:
What is your field? It is very important for me to know what field the kind woman who always answers my letters has studied. If you answer me i will be happy.
Thanks a lot.
PS T helped us to write this letter a little bit.
I hope you are fine. I know you are busy so without any extra sentences I ask my question:
What is your field? It is very important for me to know what field the kind woman who always answers my letters has studied. If you answer me i will be happy.
Thanks a lot.
PS T helped us to write this letter a little bit.
Sabber's letter to Sue
Dear Sue:
I hope you are fine. A few days ago, I went to a small village in Hamedan;That village was very beautiful. There was a big and lovely nature over there. Many rabits were in that village.
Now may I ask a question please?
Do you go to nature?And how many times a week American people go to nature? In Iran just there is one holiday in a week and people don't have much time to travel to the nature, but in America I think there are 2 holidays a week and you have alot of times to go to the nature.I should when it comes to the number ofholidays, I think Iran is the first in the world.
I wish you the best.
I hope you are fine. A few days ago, I went to a small village in Hamedan;That village was very beautiful. There was a big and lovely nature over there. Many rabits were in that village.
Now may I ask a question please?
Do you go to nature?And how many times a week American people go to nature? In Iran just there is one holiday in a week and people don't have much time to travel to the nature, but in America I think there are 2 holidays a week and you have alot of times to go to the nature.I should when it comes to the number ofholidays, I think Iran is the first in the world.
I wish you the best.
Maryam's writing
A text about teachers
Some schools just pay attention to their ranking and because of this problem they don't have good teachers.
In these schools, most of teachers teach very well, but they don't have good connection with students, so unfortunately they cann't improve and most of the teachers can not be successful in the future.
Here some teachers are just teachers and they are not good friends for their students ofcourse i have many good teachers like Miss Ramezani. At last :
I think a good friend can be a teacher, but a good teacher is not always a good friend.
Some schools just pay attention to their ranking and because of this problem they don't have good teachers.
In these schools, most of teachers teach very well, but they don't have good connection with students, so unfortunately they cann't improve and most of the teachers can not be successful in the future.
Here some teachers are just teachers and they are not good friends for their students ofcourse i have many good teachers like Miss Ramezani. At last :
I think a good friend can be a teacher, but a good teacher is not always a good friend.
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Bahman's letter to Sue,
Dear Sue,
I have started studying for master’s entry exam. Studying is not very well, but I try to study more than before day. It is difficult, because I don’t study academic lessons in Ramadans. I usually study other books in Ramadans. I will go to university next week. I hope that I have no a strict professor.
Oh, Alaska we had a TV serial 5 years ago. A police lived in Alaska. Is Alaska very cold? I knew that Alaska was purchased by the USA. Always I ask from myself that what do Russia that.
Today is a day that we called Persian poem and Persian literature. Today is Shahryar’s day too. He was an Iranian poem that he lived about 100 years age. He has a beautiful love story. It is that story.
A day that he went to market for shopping. He saw a young girl. With that sawing he felled in love. He could give his home address to that girl. Many years he was waiting for coming that girl. In those years he wrote a poem book for his love.
Many years in waiting. She com came back, when Shahryar was in a hospital and after some days he death. Shahryar told her: you come back my soul is for you, faithless why do you come now?
Take care,
P.s if you go to this link you have a beautiful video clip from Faramarze Payvar
I have started studying for master’s entry exam. Studying is not very well, but I try to study more than before day. It is difficult, because I don’t study academic lessons in Ramadans. I usually study other books in Ramadans. I will go to university next week. I hope that I have no a strict professor.
Oh, Alaska we had a TV serial 5 years ago. A police lived in Alaska. Is Alaska very cold? I knew that Alaska was purchased by the USA. Always I ask from myself that what do Russia that.
Today is a day that we called Persian poem and Persian literature. Today is Shahryar’s day too. He was an Iranian poem that he lived about 100 years age. He has a beautiful love story. It is that story.
A day that he went to market for shopping. He saw a young girl. With that sawing he felled in love. He could give his home address to that girl. Many years he was waiting for coming that girl. In those years he wrote a poem book for his love.
Many years in waiting. She com came back, when Shahryar was in a hospital and after some days he death. Shahryar told her: you come back my soul is for you, faithless why do you come now?
Take care,
P.s if you go to this link you have a beautiful video clip from Faramarze Payvar
To Hamed
Hello Hamed,
Please print all your letters very carefully and bring them to me next time we have a class otherwise you will repeat the same mistakes over and over again. That is what we do with other students: we analyze the letters sometimes for more than three or four hours in a class.
Please print all your letters very carefully and bring them to me next time we have a class otherwise you will repeat the same mistakes over and over again. That is what we do with other students: we analyze the letters sometimes for more than three or four hours in a class.
I like to know music and I learn , special guitar and violon . Who is know these ?Does he or she can teach to me ?If a person can teaches to me , I help her or his in my feild ( ELOCTRONICS) Thank you very much .
Friday, September 17, 2010
To dear bahman
Hello my freind bahman . How are you ?I read this site that you are student university . what do you study?I study Eloctronics and I like to found freind very much .I hope you like too .Thank you very much .
To dear sue
Thank you very much dear sue from your answer .I like to know about your poets . Please tell me one or tow good poem and popular in your country . Do you know about persion poems and poets ? For me is interesting that you know which Iranian poets ?In end , I say again , thank you very much .
Bahman's letter to Sue,
Dear Sue,
In Iran we have 2 kinds of university 1-governmental universities 2-private universities each having entry exam. If you pass that exam you can go to those universities. My college was governmental and now I study in a private university. It is very expensive for me. They give out a loan to their students.
I go to university by bus, car and train. Train is very cheap. I must wake up at 4 am when I have a class at 8 a.m. The road is very hard and hot. The entire road is desert. My father tells me that the road is like Texas roads.
God helps me. There are no problems.
In Iran we have 2 kinds of university 1-governmental universities 2-private universities each having entry exam. If you pass that exam you can go to those universities. My college was governmental and now I study in a private university. It is very expensive for me. They give out a loan to their students.
I go to university by bus, car and train. Train is very cheap. I must wake up at 4 am when I have a class at 8 a.m. The road is very hard and hot. The entire road is desert. My father tells me that the road is like Texas roads.
God helps me. There are no problems.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Hi dear sue . I like to know more about america from a American . Therefor I have questions from you .Do you like your president? Do your people like obama ?Do you agreemen to your country strategy ?Do your people like this conditions ?If your people like this conditions , why ?And they do not like why do they calm ?Do your people agreement to war ?If they like war, why and if they do not like , what are iraq war and other war ?Do your people agreement to burn quran ?Is this right ???Is this freedom??? Is this democracy???I only search reality. Thank you very much .
How most of professors teach!
Dear Sue,
You asked me " How do most of professors teach?"
We have 2 types of lessons: Specialized lessons and General Lessons.
Specialized lessons are main lessons which communicate with our course, for instance, in my course, computer, one of specialized lessons are writing a program.
General lessons consist of a literature, an English language and some religious lessons.
In specialized classes, Professors usually lecture and use slides and whiteboard for teaching. Sometimes students must give a presentation about special subject. These classes have a conventional method.
General lessons must lead our mind and in these classes all students have to say their idea freely . Professors have to listen to their speech even their speech were wrong after that professors can tell students their mistakes in a logistic discussions.
But general classes aren't like this. We have a few free discussions but we can't say every things we want.
In these class, professors teach a book that understanding it is very difficult for us and we just memorize it for a its exam.
When we ask a religious or political questions we hear these answers: "We don't have enough time","Let me teach your lessons after that I answer you" and other answers like these.
In fact they worry about their situation.
Some professors are very sympathetic and they want to answer but they can't so they answer indirect.
Dear friend, these methods are in engineering fields and I think students who study social sciences are freer and braver in speaking and their professors allow them say their idea more than us. They have free discussions more but they have to be cautious about their words.
It is a long letter I hope you don't became sleepy now and I could answer your question.
Your friend, Faranak.
PS. Dear Sue, most of our professors disagree with these methods and the methods of education gradually became better(I hope!).
You asked me " How do most of professors teach?"
We have 2 types of lessons: Specialized lessons and General Lessons.
Specialized lessons are main lessons which communicate with our course, for instance, in my course, computer, one of specialized lessons are writing a program.
General lessons consist of a literature, an English language and some religious lessons.
In specialized classes, Professors usually lecture and use slides and whiteboard for teaching. Sometimes students must give a presentation about special subject. These classes have a conventional method.
General lessons must lead our mind and in these classes all students have to say their idea freely . Professors have to listen to their speech even their speech were wrong after that professors can tell students their mistakes in a logistic discussions.
But general classes aren't like this. We have a few free discussions but we can't say every things we want.
In these class, professors teach a book that understanding it is very difficult for us and we just memorize it for a its exam.
When we ask a religious or political questions we hear these answers: "We don't have enough time","Let me teach your lessons after that I answer you" and other answers like these.
In fact they worry about their situation.
Some professors are very sympathetic and they want to answer but they can't so they answer indirect.
Dear friend, these methods are in engineering fields and I think students who study social sciences are freer and braver in speaking and their professors allow them say their idea more than us. They have free discussions more but they have to be cautious about their words.
It is a long letter I hope you don't became sleepy now and I could answer your question.
Your friend, Faranak.
PS. Dear Sue, most of our professors disagree with these methods and the methods of education gradually became better(I hope!).
I wandered lonely as a cloud That floats on high o'er vales and hills, When all at once I saw a crowd, A host of golden daffodils, Beside the lake, beneath the trees Fluttering and dancing in the breeze. Continuous as the stars that shine And twinkle on the milky way, They stretched in never-ending line Along the margin of a bay: Ten thousand saw I at a glance Tossing their heads in sprightly dance. The waves beside them danced, but they Out-did the sparkling waves in glee:- A Poet could not but be gay In such a jocund company! I gazed - and gazed - but little thought What wealth the show to me had brought. For oft, when on my couch I lie In vacant or in pensive mood, They flash upon that inward eye Which is the bliss of solitude; And then my heart with pleasure fills And dances with the daffodils.
I have fallen from sky , Fallen to the ground , I am the angle of sadness , Angle of lost hoppes , Angle of lost dreams , I am the fallen angle , Fear me not , I am here for reason , That reason is to have a second chance in life , That life I was given for a reason , They took my wins , They took me apart made me human , I was the fallen angle , But that fallen angle had one chance in life that she was given , This angle will not make the same mistakes she made before , This mangle will go down the right path that has been chosen for her , This fallen angle know what she has to do to be forgiven .
Faranak's Writing

Hi Sue,
My cousin's wedding is tonight in Mashad. Unfortunately, We couldn't go there. I really love to be there tonight so I'm a little sad.
In Iran, we have different customs and celebrations for a marriage. These celebrations are Baleboroon, Hanabandan(You don't have these), Engaged party, wedding party and others.
One of beautiful customs is:
In engaged party we spread a tablecloth and put different things like the Koran a mirror and a pair of candlesticks, some bread and cheese and vegetable, honey, few eggs, coins, flowers and other things on it.
We decorate these in the most beautiful way. Each of components have a special message. I attache a picture of engaged tablecloths, It was for my sister's engaged party.
Dear Sue, brides wear a beautiful white gown like Americans and usually they wear a short white cape for covering with their gown.
Have a nice time.
Your friend, Faranak.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Hi Sue,
Just a short note to tell you that the name of the ancient Iranian city we were talking about is exactly "Yazd" which of course makes it a lot easier to pronounce.
Just a short note to tell you that the name of the ancient Iranian city we were talking about is exactly "Yazd" which of course makes it a lot easier to pronounce.
Brutal rule of contest
Most time I think about contest and I ask myself that contest is good or bad?
Yesterday I read a short story about contest and I decided to put it on the site.
2 hunters went to the forest for hunting. When they were looking for hank in the forest, suddenly they saw a wolf. The wolf came near them. They were afraid of it and decided to escape. At this time, one of them thought and then he quickly put his knapsack on the earth.
Other hunter wondered and asked him" if you put your knapsack on the earth, you can't run faster than the wolf, so what is advantage of this act?"
First hunter answered "I didn't want to run faster than the wolf. My purpose is antedating you. The secret of my salvation is antedating you."
I am thinking about this story that our success is antedating other or being comrade with them?
Yesterday I read a short story about contest and I decided to put it on the site.
2 hunters went to the forest for hunting. When they were looking for hank in the forest, suddenly they saw a wolf. The wolf came near them. They were afraid of it and decided to escape. At this time, one of them thought and then he quickly put his knapsack on the earth.
Other hunter wondered and asked him" if you put your knapsack on the earth, you can't run faster than the wolf, so what is advantage of this act?"
First hunter answered "I didn't want to run faster than the wolf. My purpose is antedating you. The secret of my salvation is antedating you."
I am thinking about this story that our success is antedating other or being comrade with them?
Monday, September 13, 2010
The Reader's Digest Magazin
Dear friends,
First of all I want to send hello for nice american friend Sue, your attempts in discovering Iran is worthfull.
Alireza I hope you're ok, I wish to see you more and write here more but too much busy now,
it's more than one month that I found a collection of Reader's Digest magazin here in Iran and I'm reading it now, it's very good magazin about story and writing and I learnt alot also this is well known in the world, it published in many countries but in Iran it's not available simply you must search it in some special book stores but it worths ;)....
in this magazin many famous writers published their stories and their articles, I love to read it you can read many new stories with just 2$ :))
Kind Regards
First of all I want to send hello for nice american friend Sue, your attempts in discovering Iran is worthfull.
Alireza I hope you're ok, I wish to see you more and write here more but too much busy now,
it's more than one month that I found a collection of Reader's Digest magazin here in Iran and I'm reading it now, it's very good magazin about story and writing and I learnt alot also this is well known in the world, it published in many countries but in Iran it's not available simply you must search it in some special book stores but it worths ;)....
in this magazin many famous writers published their stories and their articles, I love to read it you can read many new stories with just 2$ :))
Kind Regards
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Just call me T
There is absolutely no need to keep writing the word "Mr." before the initial of my name. I would be more comfortable to see you just calling me T on this site. Please just call me T.
There is absolutely no need to keep writing the word "Mr." before the initial of my name. I would be more comfortable to see you just calling me T on this site. Please just call me T.
Please tell us your name
Everybody wants to know who writes what to our site. Therefore, please mention your name at the end of whatever you write to the site. Hamed, you never do this.
Everybody wants to know who writes what to our site. Therefore, please mention your name at the end of whatever you write to the site. Hamed, you never do this.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
my name is Ehsan Negahdar. I'm 14 years old. I'm from yazd that is one of the oldest cities in Iran. I'll post some pictures of yazd for you.
I have studied English for 2 years. I am one of T's relatives. I forgot to say that I am very glad to be here. Thank you.
Ehsan N
I have studied English for 2 years. I am one of T's relatives. I forgot to say that I am very glad to be here. Thank you.
Ehsan N
See to sea !!! only a moment .What do you see ?Do you see except nice ?do you see except hormony ?It is some place shallow and some place deep but it has same surface in overall .It is a big lesson for us that if we know very much or we do not know very much we should are unselfish .
my letter to dear sue
I heared about you from mr tagdarreh . I like that I know about you because you are a american and I am a Iranian .How much you know about Iran and Iranian ? I like that I know what do you think about us and our country ?Of course I think that I know about your country becuase of his famous .Of course my country is not unkown too . if I can not speak well , excuse me .In end I have a question from you . Do you are mosle ? thank you .
I am very happy because I found a good freind like you . Thank you very much because of your answering . Do you study in university ?I will hope that this connextion will continue .I like that I know about you more if you will .I hope I see you a day .
Bahman's letter to Sue,
Dear Sue,
I know that you are very busy in these days. Thank you for answering my letters.
Tehran’s population is very much. When I went to university, Tehran’s university couldn’t take more than 200 students in mechanical engineering. Now they can take more than before. I had to go to other cities for a good field.
No, I didn’t read about Chomsky. Mr. T told me about Chomsky. I agree, he is very interesting. I think when a man criticize he should say that’s answer. A way for answering to problems.
I will very busy from tomorrow. I like to work hard. I have much time in way. Maybe I can read many books in the long way.
Ramadan went. It is bad, but it comes back.
Take care,
I know that you are very busy in these days. Thank you for answering my letters.
Tehran’s population is very much. When I went to university, Tehran’s university couldn’t take more than 200 students in mechanical engineering. Now they can take more than before. I had to go to other cities for a good field.
No, I didn’t read about Chomsky. Mr. T told me about Chomsky. I agree, he is very interesting. I think when a man criticize he should say that’s answer. A way for answering to problems.
I will very busy from tomorrow. I like to work hard. I have much time in way. Maybe I can read many books in the long way.
Ramadan went. It is bad, but it comes back.
Take care,
Good News
First: Sue is going to send us a copy of her new book. I have been waiting for this moment for a very long time.
Second: Sahar has promised to put the film of one of her performances on the guitar on our site for everybody to see. Sahar we are so proud of you. We can't wait to see you and listen to your guitar.
Second: Sahar has promised to put the film of one of her performances on the guitar on our site for everybody to see. Sahar we are so proud of you. We can't wait to see you and listen to your guitar.
Friday, September 10, 2010
Bahman's letter to Sue,
Dear Sue,
Today was a bad day. I must go to university for 5 days in a week. It is very hard. I must go to Semnan (Semnan and Tehran are 220 km away. The driving time is about 3 hours) just for 2 hours class in a day.
It is not important. God is with me. It is my sentence when I cannot do any work. Watching interview is very nice. We watched an interview from Noam Chomsky. His interview was very interesting. He was very silent and he was a great man, I think.
We have 3 concerts in autumn. We practice very hard. After a free summer I will have a hard life. Although, I usually practice and study more when I am very busy.
Oh, your son. Ali told us that you love your son. Certainly, you have good times with your company.
Wish you the best,
Today was a bad day. I must go to university for 5 days in a week. It is very hard. I must go to Semnan (Semnan and Tehran are 220 km away. The driving time is about 3 hours) just for 2 hours class in a day.
It is not important. God is with me. It is my sentence when I cannot do any work. Watching interview is very nice. We watched an interview from Noam Chomsky. His interview was very interesting. He was very silent and he was a great man, I think.
We have 3 concerts in autumn. We practice very hard. After a free summer I will have a hard life. Although, I usually practice and study more when I am very busy.
Oh, your son. Ali told us that you love your son. Certainly, you have good times with your company.
Wish you the best,
Sabber's letter to Hamed
Dear Hamed
I'm Sabber. I hope you are fine. I saw your name on the website, I want to say if you introduce yourself we will have a good connexion. You are my new friend and I can use your knowledge in your field and you can ask every question.
I wish you the best.
I'm Sabber. I hope you are fine. I saw your name on the website, I want to say if you introduce yourself we will have a good connexion. You are my new friend and I can use your knowledge in your field and you can ask every question.
I wish you the best.
Thursday, September 09, 2010
I like perspolis team very much .This team is the popular team in Iran .people like it very much and always they go to stadum to wach when this team has play .
Sombody have a vision in his childhood that these visions can make his future . My vision in childhood season was discover of (( triangle of bermoda )) .
This man change the world for always . He was very simple , special in life and statment and This was his art .Becoas of this he was popular between people and now he is too .he really was a heavenly man .His name is EMAM KHOMEINY or we say spirite of God .
who am I ?
My name is hamed alipeyman . I am a student university .I study Eloctronics .I like it very much because it is very funny feild and nice .of course I believe that all of feild are nice and funny for their student . I am moslem and accept God . I happy that I accustemed whit you .
Wednesday, September 08, 2010
Niloofar and Nastaran
Hello friends,
My internet connection was fixed today and I am so delighted to get back to you one and all. Nitoofar and Nastaran are two very nice sisters who started their classes with me about two months ago. Sometimes they write very beautiful pieces to me. Here's one I just received from Niloofar:
I like nature. Sometimes I like to walk on meadows and sit near the river. In my fantasia I see that I walk in a big jungle with many trees whose colors are soft . It’s my wish to live on meadow with beautiful flowers and a little river
My internet connection was fixed today and I am so delighted to get back to you one and all. Nitoofar and Nastaran are two very nice sisters who started their classes with me about two months ago. Sometimes they write very beautiful pieces to me. Here's one I just received from Niloofar:
I like nature. Sometimes I like to walk on meadows and sit near the river. In my fantasia I see that I walk in a big jungle with many trees whose colors are soft . It’s my wish to live on meadow with beautiful flowers and a little river
Faranak's Writing
Hi Sue,
Mr T.'s internet is disconnected for a few days, as soon as it connects he talks to you. He asked me to tell you this.
Mr T. couldn't read your letter for a while and he reads your answers enthusiastically today.
Dear friend, I read your beautiful answers and will ask your questions in other letter because I'm thinking about them and want to answer truly.
I have a important question, I hear from TV tonight a churchman and his follower want to burn Koran in September 11, Is it true?
Dear Sue, I'm not a prejudice Muslim, please answer me easily.
Have a nice time.
Your friend, Faranak.
Mr T.'s internet is disconnected for a few days, as soon as it connects he talks to you. He asked me to tell you this.
Mr T. couldn't read your letter for a while and he reads your answers enthusiastically today.
Dear friend, I read your beautiful answers and will ask your questions in other letter because I'm thinking about them and want to answer truly.
I have a important question, I hear from TV tonight a churchman and his follower want to burn Koran in September 11, Is it true?
Dear Sue, I'm not a prejudice Muslim, please answer me easily.
Have a nice time.
Your friend, Faranak.
Tuesday, September 07, 2010
Sabber's letter to Bahman
Hi Bahman
I hope that you are fine. These days Mr T is doing a nice work which is watching English films. We can say this is a new innovation in education systems.
Now I want to say something:
What do you think about watching films?
I mean would you like to watch scientific films or story films? this is an important thing, because we should watch films which don't make us tired.
If you tell me what you think about that I will be happy.
I wish you the best
I hope that you are fine. These days Mr T is doing a nice work which is watching English films. We can say this is a new innovation in education systems.
Now I want to say something:
What do you think about watching films?
I mean would you like to watch scientific films or story films? this is an important thing, because we should watch films which don't make us tired.
If you tell me what you think about that I will be happy.
I wish you the best
Maryam's letter to Faranak
Dear Faranak
I saw you just once ,but I hope you remember me . I'm Maryam . When we saw each other you were with Mr Bahman and I came with my brother Sabber.
I saw your letter which was written to Sue on the web site. It was about your last Friday when you watch an interview.
And finally, I would like to know when you watch English films, how you can memorize new words . Do you write them on paper or you try to learn them in the class.
Best of luck
I saw you just once ,but I hope you remember me . I'm Maryam . When we saw each other you were with Mr Bahman and I came with my brother Sabber.
I saw your letter which was written to Sue on the web site. It was about your last Friday when you watch an interview.
And finally, I would like to know when you watch English films, how you can memorize new words . Do you write them on paper or you try to learn them in the class.
Best of luck
Monday, September 06, 2010
Fattemeh's writing
Dear Sue
I am so sorry that I am answering your question very late.
Last week,I was very busy. I had many different classes. Last Thursday, I had a hard exam and during week I read it and I didn't have any time for writing letter.
Dear friend, you asked me "Do you have prepositions in Farsi, and can words be both nouns and verbs?"
We have prepositions in Farsi. Preposition comes with noun and verb in Farsi. A verb with different prepositions has different means, like English.
Fortunately, words can't be both nouns and verbs and we can recognize nouns from verbs easily.
After 2 months, I will go to my university tomorrow and I want to choose my courses for new term. My university classes will be started next Saturday. I have decided that I get 12 courses for this term because I want to read for konkur.
Dear Sue, I became very happy when I heard that your book was published.
Have a nice time.
Your friend, Fattemeh
I am so sorry that I am answering your question very late.
Last week,I was very busy. I had many different classes. Last Thursday, I had a hard exam and during week I read it and I didn't have any time for writing letter.
Dear friend, you asked me "Do you have prepositions in Farsi, and can words be both nouns and verbs?"
We have prepositions in Farsi. Preposition comes with noun and verb in Farsi. A verb with different prepositions has different means, like English.
Fortunately, words can't be both nouns and verbs and we can recognize nouns from verbs easily.
After 2 months, I will go to my university tomorrow and I want to choose my courses for new term. My university classes will be started next Saturday. I have decided that I get 12 courses for this term because I want to read for konkur.
Dear Sue, I became very happy when I heard that your book was published.
Have a nice time.
Your friend, Fattemeh
Under the Lamp
The voice of subjective deliberation is muted in our Western world; the light of reason, science and objectivity are the valued norms of western thought, and they ordinarily rule over intuition and insight in our estimation of reliable notions. We have words for subjective thinking: pie in the sky, empty rhetoric, and baseless suppositions, and yet, as I have said before, in the last few years, my AH HA! moments seem to come from the subjective influences in my life: poetry, literature and writers like Thoreau, Emerson, Rumi, and others.
However, my argument with many philosophers is that they end their books as though there was no more to learn: at the end of their honored logic they pronounce, "The End." What no more to learn than what this man tells us? Is one man's reason, regardless of his intellect, enough to say "Enough?" I regret no book that I have read, no philosophy that I have studied and no religion that I have investigated, but often there are more answers in a few simple words or in a simple thought than in all the philosophy books written.
Consider Mullah Nasruddin: Nasruddin is a favorite character who tells stories that display uniquely subjective solutions to his problems. As I have grown older I begin to see the wisdom in oft-told tales; we can become rich with thought from the stories and oral history from long ago. Here is one of my favorite Mullah Nasruddin stories:
Mullah Nasruddin was on his hands and knees under the street lamp and his friend passed by. “Nasruddin, what are you doing on your hands and knees, did you lose something?”
“Yes,” answered the Mullah. "I lost an important key."
“Where did you lose it?” asked his friend.
“I lost it back there in the dark,” replied Nasruddin.
“Then why, may I ask, are you searching for it here under the lamp,” the friend wondered?
“Do you think I have any chance of finding it back there in the dark?” demanded the Mullah.
We logically assume that we can find things under the known light of reason easier than in the dark ambiguity of the subjective. We find comfort in the light of the scientific method and the rational world. Its apparent surety and control are captivating, but do we need to extend our thinking into the dark corners once in a while?
Westerners tend to avoid the dark, the doubtful, the unknown. We search in the best light and yet wonder why we sometimes find incomplete answers. In fear of our doubt and anxiety we frantically demand that others find the key where we want it to be--under the light of objectivity or the comforting cloak of perennialism. We silence all doubt in ourselves and others, thinking that more science, or more light, or more money will open up untold secrets. Given an objective example of threat to our nation, we jump into action, driven by historical precedents and never stop to look in the dark, to learn more about our enemies and search for answers that are not obvious or highlighted.
Deep in the soul we have to admit that the lamp of objective knowledge and historical tradition casts a flickering light and that we walk on infirm ground. We may doubt that our instinct or insight may lead us to better answers, but doubt is a part of faith. We sometimes have to search in the darkness of faith, not knowing what we will discover.
Thoreau said, “If I could not doubt, I could not have faith.” Each doubting step can bring us farther into the darkness and open our eyes to another step we might take, carrying our doubt with us. The search is all. The more the darkness closes over us, the more our reason is joined by our intuition, and the closer we come to a higher plane of thought--that universal, intuitive, searching energy that is the stuff of all life. The key is to be found in both the light and in the darkness working together.
I will go to my grave with my doubts and much of what I have found to be true is only present in bits and pieces. We are never able to see the whole, the completed tapestry of truth, but still we search. We walk through our field and gather our wild apples whether they are in the light or in the dark corners of hidden truth.
However, my argument with many philosophers is that they end their books as though there was no more to learn: at the end of their honored logic they pronounce, "The End." What no more to learn than what this man tells us? Is one man's reason, regardless of his intellect, enough to say "Enough?" I regret no book that I have read, no philosophy that I have studied and no religion that I have investigated, but often there are more answers in a few simple words or in a simple thought than in all the philosophy books written.
Consider Mullah Nasruddin: Nasruddin is a favorite character who tells stories that display uniquely subjective solutions to his problems. As I have grown older I begin to see the wisdom in oft-told tales; we can become rich with thought from the stories and oral history from long ago. Here is one of my favorite Mullah Nasruddin stories:
Mullah Nasruddin was on his hands and knees under the street lamp and his friend passed by. “Nasruddin, what are you doing on your hands and knees, did you lose something?”
“Yes,” answered the Mullah. "I lost an important key."
“Where did you lose it?” asked his friend.
“I lost it back there in the dark,” replied Nasruddin.
“Then why, may I ask, are you searching for it here under the lamp,” the friend wondered?
“Do you think I have any chance of finding it back there in the dark?” demanded the Mullah.
We logically assume that we can find things under the known light of reason easier than in the dark ambiguity of the subjective. We find comfort in the light of the scientific method and the rational world. Its apparent surety and control are captivating, but do we need to extend our thinking into the dark corners once in a while?
Westerners tend to avoid the dark, the doubtful, the unknown. We search in the best light and yet wonder why we sometimes find incomplete answers. In fear of our doubt and anxiety we frantically demand that others find the key where we want it to be--under the light of objectivity or the comforting cloak of perennialism. We silence all doubt in ourselves and others, thinking that more science, or more light, or more money will open up untold secrets. Given an objective example of threat to our nation, we jump into action, driven by historical precedents and never stop to look in the dark, to learn more about our enemies and search for answers that are not obvious or highlighted.
Deep in the soul we have to admit that the lamp of objective knowledge and historical tradition casts a flickering light and that we walk on infirm ground. We may doubt that our instinct or insight may lead us to better answers, but doubt is a part of faith. We sometimes have to search in the darkness of faith, not knowing what we will discover.
Thoreau said, “If I could not doubt, I could not have faith.” Each doubting step can bring us farther into the darkness and open our eyes to another step we might take, carrying our doubt with us. The search is all. The more the darkness closes over us, the more our reason is joined by our intuition, and the closer we come to a higher plane of thought--that universal, intuitive, searching energy that is the stuff of all life. The key is to be found in both the light and in the darkness working together.
I will go to my grave with my doubts and much of what I have found to be true is only present in bits and pieces. We are never able to see the whole, the completed tapestry of truth, but still we search. We walk through our field and gather our wild apples whether they are in the light or in the dark corners of hidden truth.
color of love
black is a color that for me is very wonderfull and funny and of course special . I say it is speacial because has not alternative and I say it is wonderfull and funny because you see to it you do not see his end . people are believe that black is a boring color but I say it is new for always . In most of country and of course in my country people wear black when their dear die but you know that in some country such as india people wear white . Any way black is for me is a lovely color .a popular singer(REZA SADEGHI) in my country say ,black is color of love .
Sunday, September 05, 2010
Sabber's letter to Miss Sahar
Dear Miss Sahar
I'm Sabber.I heard from Mr Taghdareh your interesting and funny story a bout English that you become sick for that,I think really you love English.
I know you are musician,I think that me and other students can use your knowledge in music.
I will be happy if I know that you are studing in what subject of music.
Good luck
I'm Sabber.I heard from Mr Taghdareh your interesting and funny story a bout English that you become sick for that,I think really you love English.
I know you are musician,I think that me and other students can use your knowledge in music.
I will be happy if I know that you are studing in what subject of music.
Good luck
What did we do in the English class Last Friday?
Hi Sue,
Mr T. made a new decision, I think it is very useful for us. His decision was watching a video every week for about 2 or 3 hours.
Last Friday, Fattemeh and Bahman and I were in the class firs. Mr T. corrected our letters and we read your letters and writings in the class. This way helps us very much.
After 2 hours Saeede and Sahar came to the class(They are twice of my best friends like fattemeh).
We watched one of the HardTalk videos. It was Roger Waters's interview. First, understanding their speeches was very difficult, After an hour it became better.
We heard some familiar words in that interview, some of them were those words which you use in your letters and writings. They reminded us of your writings content and we understood them.
Dear Sue, I and all of Mr T.'s students ask you to write us more if you have time because with reading your letters we don't memorize the meaning of words which you use and understand them because we love you and your letters, so we don't forget them.
I hope my letter is clear and I could say what I mean.
Have a nice day.
Mr T. made a new decision, I think it is very useful for us. His decision was watching a video every week for about 2 or 3 hours.
Last Friday, Fattemeh and Bahman and I were in the class firs. Mr T. corrected our letters and we read your letters and writings in the class. This way helps us very much.
After 2 hours Saeede and Sahar came to the class(They are twice of my best friends like fattemeh).
We watched one of the HardTalk videos. It was Roger Waters's interview. First, understanding their speeches was very difficult, After an hour it became better.
We heard some familiar words in that interview, some of them were those words which you use in your letters and writings. They reminded us of your writings content and we understood them.
Dear Sue, I and all of Mr T.'s students ask you to write us more if you have time because with reading your letters we don't memorize the meaning of words which you use and understand them because we love you and your letters, so we don't forget them.
I hope my letter is clear and I could say what I mean.
Have a nice day.
Saturday, September 04, 2010
Sabber's letter to sue
Dear Sue
I'm Sabber.In this letter I want to say that me and all of other Mr Taghdareh's students are very happy that you help us to learn English better and when we learn it we never forget your favor,I'm sure you are a kind woman.
Always in class we speak a bout you and your guidance and we use all of them.
Thanks alot
I'm Sabber.In this letter I want to say that me and all of other Mr Taghdareh's students are very happy that you help us to learn English better and when we learn it we never forget your favor,I'm sure you are a kind woman.
Always in class we speak a bout you and your guidance and we use all of them.
Thanks alot
Bahman's Writing
Dear Sue,
Thank you for answering to my letters.
Yes, we go to mosque and cook it for the needy and other people. I think that my English is getting better, but I am not very good. I must practice more than before. I saw that interview for 3 times, but I cannot understand very words in that. I gave that dictionary last week. I don’t know good dictionaries. M.R T give us if he finds them. I think that it is very enjoyable that you go with our husband out for dinner. We usually go for dinner with my friends. We watch 3 hours interview on Fridays.
Take care,
Thank you for answering to my letters.
Yes, we go to mosque and cook it for the needy and other people. I think that my English is getting better, but I am not very good. I must practice more than before. I saw that interview for 3 times, but I cannot understand very words in that. I gave that dictionary last week. I don’t know good dictionaries. M.R T give us if he finds them. I think that it is very enjoyable that you go with our husband out for dinner. We usually go for dinner with my friends. We watch 3 hours interview on Fridays.
Take care,
Faranak's Writing
Dear Sue,
Last week my aunt and her daughter, Roya and her husband came to Tehran. They live in Mashhad. It is the holy city.
Roya's wedding party is near and they came here for shopping. I went with them as a guidance.
As for learning English:
I learned English before to read scientific essays and books about my course.
After getting acquainted with Mr T. I knew life is not just studying lessons and science, there are more beautiful things in the life like Literature and having a good friend like you.
I thought we Iranians are much different than other people around the world and we just have great mystics like Hafiz and Rumi and others.
Mr T. talked about Thoreau and sometimes read his quotes in the class. Thoreau said the same things that our mystics said.
After that I knew you, a kind and wonderful woman. I think your words are like Mr T.'s speeches. I became interested in your character and like to talk you about different things and learning more but my English is week now and I spend 3 or 4 hours, sometimes more than it, for writing a letter.
After all that I knew that people are similar around the world and they are just different in their culture and human values are same everywhere.
I think learning languages specially English can help me to improve my information about my course and open my mind and expand my viewpoint.
Take care.
Your friend Faranak.
Last week my aunt and her daughter, Roya and her husband came to Tehran. They live in Mashhad. It is the holy city.
Roya's wedding party is near and they came here for shopping. I went with them as a guidance.
As for learning English:
I learned English before to read scientific essays and books about my course.
After getting acquainted with Mr T. I knew life is not just studying lessons and science, there are more beautiful things in the life like Literature and having a good friend like you.
I thought we Iranians are much different than other people around the world and we just have great mystics like Hafiz and Rumi and others.
Mr T. talked about Thoreau and sometimes read his quotes in the class. Thoreau said the same things that our mystics said.
After that I knew you, a kind and wonderful woman. I think your words are like Mr T.'s speeches. I became interested in your character and like to talk you about different things and learning more but my English is week now and I spend 3 or 4 hours, sometimes more than it, for writing a letter.
After all that I knew that people are similar around the world and they are just different in their culture and human values are same everywhere.
I think learning languages specially English can help me to improve my information about my course and open my mind and expand my viewpoint.
Take care.
Your friend Faranak.
Friday, September 03, 2010
Apology from Mr. Soltani
Hi Mr. Soltani
I am so sorry that I'm answering very late.
Last week, I was very busy. Although, I know that I had to be answering to your letter on time.
I just can tell you "Excuse me".
I promise you that I will answer to your letters on time, after this.
My friend, I am very happy that I get acquainted with you. I hope that we can help to each other.
Every time you want, you can ask me your questions. I will answer them intent.
I wish best things for you.
Good luck
Your friend, Fattemeh Ramezani
I am so sorry that I'm answering very late.
Last week, I was very busy. Although, I know that I had to be answering to your letter on time.
I just can tell you "Excuse me".
I promise you that I will answer to your letters on time, after this.
My friend, I am very happy that I get acquainted with you. I hope that we can help to each other.
Every time you want, you can ask me your questions. I will answer them intent.
I wish best things for you.
Good luck
Your friend, Fattemeh Ramezani
Thursday, September 02, 2010
Bahman's Writing
Dear Sue,
Nice to hear from you. I always enjoy your posts too.
Now, Tehran it is 5 a.m. I was in a mosque’s kitchen until now. We cooked food for people. This work is very enjoyable, but I am not a cook. I can just cook an omelet.
Oh, astronomy. I love it. I read a book about astronomy last Ramadan. Its writer is Meir Degani. Its name is astronomy made simple. Your grandson must be very happy. Astronomy is very interesting. I went to the balcony and I watched stars and moon. Abou Reyhan Bironi was an Iranian scientist in astronomy. Avicenna and Abou Reyhan Bironi were contemporaries. They saw each other. Many standards in astronomy are from Bironi’s books. For example magnitude that it shows distance of stars from earth is for Bironi.
Take care,
Nice to hear from you. I always enjoy your posts too.
Now, Tehran it is 5 a.m. I was in a mosque’s kitchen until now. We cooked food for people. This work is very enjoyable, but I am not a cook. I can just cook an omelet.
Oh, astronomy. I love it. I read a book about astronomy last Ramadan. Its writer is Meir Degani. Its name is astronomy made simple. Your grandson must be very happy. Astronomy is very interesting. I went to the balcony and I watched stars and moon. Abou Reyhan Bironi was an Iranian scientist in astronomy. Avicenna and Abou Reyhan Bironi were contemporaries. They saw each other. Many standards in astronomy are from Bironi’s books. For example magnitude that it shows distance of stars from earth is for Bironi.
Take care,
Wednesday, September 01, 2010
Bahman's Writing
Dear Sue,
We watched an interview last Friday.
It was very interesting for me. It had an English dialect. Ali gave me a very nice dictionary that called Longman. It is supernatural.
I will go to university next month. I had lazy days in this summer. Sometimes I was in my bed. I think sleeping is the best rest.
Ali told me that we want to watch films for 2 hours after our classes. I enjoy it when Ali tells us its sentences. Some of them are very simple sentences. I must practice more than before. I tell myself, but I don’t do it. I read two section of a book from Faramarze Payvar called theoretical music book. We must ask to 105 questions after read it. Oh, Practice.
It is successfully security.
Take care,
We watched an interview last Friday.
It was very interesting for me. It had an English dialect. Ali gave me a very nice dictionary that called Longman. It is supernatural.
I will go to university next month. I had lazy days in this summer. Sometimes I was in my bed. I think sleeping is the best rest.
Ali told me that we want to watch films for 2 hours after our classes. I enjoy it when Ali tells us its sentences. Some of them are very simple sentences. I must practice more than before. I tell myself, but I don’t do it. I read two section of a book from Faramarze Payvar called theoretical music book. We must ask to 105 questions after read it. Oh, Practice.
It is successfully security.
Take care,
A letter to miss Ramezani
ِDear miss Ramezani
I am Sabber Soltani and I'm mr Taghdareh's student.I'm 18 and I study in fourth great of high school.
You do not know that how much time I have spent to find a collegian who study in Amir kabir university in my lovely subject.Yesterday suddenly I heard mr Taghdareh that you study in that university and now I'm very very happy I have found you.
I have many different question and if you help me I will be very happy.
Good luck
I am Sabber Soltani and I'm mr Taghdareh's student.I'm 18 and I study in fourth great of high school.
You do not know that how much time I have spent to find a collegian who study in Amir kabir university in my lovely subject.Yesterday suddenly I heard mr Taghdareh that you study in that university and now I'm very very happy I have found you.
I have many different question and if you help me I will be very happy.
Good luck
I Envy Seas
Read the following poem from Emily Dickinson and define beauty again. I personally define a beautiful poem as one which once you read you can not stop reading it for the rest of your life. For me this is one of those poems.
I ENVY seas whereon he rides,
I envy spokes of wheels
Of chariots that him convey,
I envy speechless hills
That gaze upon his journey; 5
How easy all can see
What is forbidden utterly
As heaven, unto me!
I envy nests of sparrows
That dot his distant eaves, 10
The wealthy fly upon his pane,
The happy, happy leaves
That just abroad his window
Have summer’s leave to be,
The earrings of Pizarro 15
Could not obtain for me.
I envy light that wakes him,
And bells that boldly ring
To tell him it is noon abroad,—
Myself his noon could bring, 20
Yet interdict my blossom
And abrogate my bee,
Lest noon in everlasting night
Drop Gabriel and me.
I ENVY seas whereon he rides,
I envy spokes of wheels
Of chariots that him convey,
I envy speechless hills
That gaze upon his journey; 5
How easy all can see
What is forbidden utterly
As heaven, unto me!
I envy nests of sparrows
That dot his distant eaves, 10
The wealthy fly upon his pane,
The happy, happy leaves
That just abroad his window
Have summer’s leave to be,
The earrings of Pizarro 15
Could not obtain for me.
I envy light that wakes him,
And bells that boldly ring
To tell him it is noon abroad,—
Myself his noon could bring, 20
Yet interdict my blossom
And abrogate my bee,
Lest noon in everlasting night
Drop Gabriel and me.
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