Tuesday, August 24, 2010

What's Education All About?

I've been thinking about education the last few days. School has started here in America and I've got to say that some are happy about that and some are not so. As a former teacher I'm a bit opinionated concerning what education should do for all children; So, when I found this piece today, I thought it might be something you would all relate to. It also might make a good discussion topic.

We can teach our children to count from one to ten,
to name the colors of the rainbow
and the days of the week.
We can teach them to name letters,
to write their names
and to recognize onsets and rimes.
We can teach them to line up,
to raise their hands before speaking,
to sit on a chair and stay on task.
We can teach them to recognize the phases of the moon
and continents on the globe
and the states within the boundaries of our nation,
and it will all be for nothing
if we fail to keep their basic human dignity intact.

L.L. Laminack, author and literary consultant.
Sahar's writing
Dear sue
I thank you for your helps.I didn't see movie, "the red violin" but I try that find it. You want to know about my favorite instrument. I mean all of instruments are pretty and it is unsqure that you choose a instrument but I play just guitar and piano.However,I like all of instruments.

Longman Dictionary

Education Fire

