Saturday, November 06, 2010

Love's Twists and turns

What sort of a person is he who has always held in his hands what his heart has desired?  If he is a king perhaps another Hitler.  Who knows maybe such people devastate the world around them for only one or two things their hearts have desired.  But this is not something which is going to happen in a book like Masnavi.  One of the greatest beauties Masnavi's first story is that our king, although he is a king, is not able to procure the slave woman or rather her love and is conquered.  Please note that in Rumi's mystical view one of the worst calamities that may happen to you is for you to see whatever your heart desires in your hands always.  Indeed, it seems that if the king had managed to buy the slave woman's love the way he bought the woman herself this great masterpiece in the world's literature, this book of Masnavi, would not even have started.

 Yes, it turns out in our story that the slave woman herself is in love with another man, but since she is not a king or a queen and can not buy the one whom she loves she becomes sick.   And what sort of a person is he or she who is not able to fall sick I mean who is not able to fall in love.  Saadi thinks such a person is a beast. 

T on the way to an early morning class

A letter to dear sue

Nights, he tooke food and fruite for poors and hungries.He always covered his face, because he wanted to help secret and only and only for God. That time anybody did not know him.
He always prayed, always on time. In his life he did not late in his prayers.When he prayed,only and only was with God her remember and her thought.
In a day, heprayed in mosque altar, a runty man killed him( in my country culture we say to this death shahadat and to a person die this form we say shahid and we believe that shahadat is the best of death and shahid sure goes to heaven).
When he was killed in prayer, impiouses said: unless he prayed?Poors and children that their parent died said:tonight kind our father did not come ? They cried and they said this sentence but it was late.
After his death, poors and hungries always were hungry and that time all knoew that who brought food.
Yes, ali (alayhessalam=for respecting)tooke food for poors.He really was angel on earth but when he went people knew him
when I write this letter, there are many tearrop in my eyes and in my heart many sorrow.
Ali(alayhessalam) is the first leader for us.
when I want to do a hard work or when I am sorrow, I say, help me ((ya ali)) and he sure will help me in any form. Of course He helps moslems but I think that he helps other relogion, If you like, please try once, he sure helps you.
I like and I hope that when I die, in breaths last,I see him and after die, of course if god willing.
Dear sue, I suggest you that if would you like please, you read his book.Name of his book is Nahjolbalagheh. It is life book after quran.
thank you very very much.
A sentence from ali( alayhessalam):I do not see a thing, unless I see God before it, after it and with it.

Question from Walden

Thanks Sue for your very helpful comment.  I have another question from another sentence below the previous one.

He says, "Sometimes I heard four or five at once in different parts of the wood, by accident one a bar behind another, and so near me that I distinguished not only the cluck after each note, "

Is he using the word "bar" as a musical term with this definition: "the line marking the division between two measures of music."?  Since I have not heard anything but cars engines around me and am not familiar with the bird Thoreau is talking about here, I would really appreciate it if you could kindly explain in some details about what is happening here in these few lines.


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