Friday, September 24, 2010

Bahman's letter to Sue,

Dear Sue,
Thank you for correcting my letter. I will be glad when you tell me my mistakes.
Usually memorial days are when Hafez, Sa’adi and etc were born or die. On Tuesday I went to the Iran national museum. The British Museum agreed to send the treasured Cyrus cylinder to Tehran. It is in Tehran for 3 months. It is first charter of human rights. King Cyrus wrote it about 2500 years ago. It is very painful. It is for Iranian people, but it is in The British Museum. I have a version of it. If you like know what Cyrus wrote in please tell me until I sent a version for you on the site.
We watch films in our classes. I cannot watch very well, because I have to travel further to get to class. I have about 1 hour drive by car if I have not traffic. Last Wednesday I was about 3 hours in traffic when I came back from our English class.
Did you find a book about Shahryar the poet?
Your friend,

Longman Dictionary

Education Fire

