Sunday, June 13, 2010

Dear Sue,

Dear Sue,
Nice to hear from you again.Thank you for correcting my letter. Thank you for congratulating to me and thank you for speaking about punctuation. I speak Farsi. I like speak in Arabic, but I have no time for reading Arabic. I think Persian is better than Farsi. If you search in internet you will see in old maps, Persian land. Persia was a nation that they came to Iran 2500 years ago. Now, we have a state in Iran with this name: “Fars”. It is because that the nation lived there. I like some Americans films. For example I like transporter, face off and actions Americans films. I have a bad exam in this day and I had many mistakes in my exam. Today was a bad day. I make mistakes, because I am panicky in exams.
I am sorry for my mistakes.
Take care,

Longman Dictionary

Education Fire

