Sunday, May 23, 2010

May Day

Mr. T. In answer to your question about Flower Day. I don't recall exactly what I wrote about this, but May lst is called May Day and it goes back many many years at a time when, in England and America, Spring was welcomed and celebrated. Some customs from this day include the ritual of leaving flowers or plants on the doorstep of your friends. Often this is done anonymously and the receiver has no idea who left the gift. Another tradition is the Maypole. It isn't done very often now, but ribbons were tied to the top of a pole and girls would dance around it, weaving the ribbons in and out to make a pattern on the pole. Garlands of flowers were often used as crowns for their hair. I remember making small cornocopias to hold a few flowers and giving them to a friend and tying clover blossoms together to make a necklace to wear on May Day.

Also, the last Monday in May is our Memorial Day. It is a day when we remember those who have died, in battle and in our families. We take flowers to their graves and ceremonies are held to remember those who have gone before us. So, May is a Flower month. I remember my great grandmother taking flowers to the grave of her husband on Memorial Day.

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