Monday, July 12, 2010

Smiles yet again

Despite the agony going on in Dr. Zhivago, the film is not completely void of hopes and happiness -- just as life itself with all its miseries. Every now and then in the film the famous, charming music flows in the air with something nice and pleasant emerging from it: smiles on some lips or the petals of many flowers after an icy winter! I am glad that David Lean or Boris pasternak for that matter do not suffocate us in agonies.

Henry David Thoreau and Boris Pasternak both witnessed a revolution in their countries. A very fundamental question is that why and how one brought so many miseries to humanity while the other created a "relatively free country!"

I love the film Dr. Zhivago. Thank you Faranak for giving me the film. I appreciate your kindness. I had been looking for this film for ages.


1 comment:

Sue said...

I just read a short biography of Pasternak and loved the fact that at one time in his career, a former teacher called him "Emily
Dickinson in pants!" His published poetry "My Sister Life" published in 1917 is considered one of the most important literary influences in modern Russia. I just ordered it from the library and will pass on some of it when I get it.

I find it fascinating that Pasternak, although at odds with the Communist Government, admitted that to be expelled from his homeland would have killed him. Such was his love for his country. What is this love for a homeland? It is so powerful!

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