Wednesday, June 09, 2010

A Few Days of Vacation!

Hello Everyone,
I am waiting for my daughter to join me for a few days away from home in the mountains. Estes Park, Colorado is a vacation spot in the Rocky Mountain National Park and a beautiful, beautiful place. Every year they have a Wool Festival where ranchers bring their alpacas, llamas, sheep and rabbits for a competition. Leslie and I are taking a spinning class, learning to use a traditional spinning wheel to spin fleece into wool. Are knitting and spinning part of the lives of Iranian women? My daughter and I and many friends are caught up in the design of sweaters, hats, mittens, socks etc. to knit and give as gifts. It makes a good hobby for us and we have developed many friendships through this common interest.

On Saturday they have a big bazaar and all sorts of yarn related products can be purchased. I'm going to try to be careful and not buy too much. Talk to you Saturday!

Longman Dictionary

Education Fire

