Saturday, June 26, 2010

Dear Sue,

Dear Sue,
I am so glad to hear from you. I am sorry for my mistakes. Exams were ended. I got my grade. It is not very bad. I go to airport tonight. My father’s aunt will come from Mecca. Mecca is a holy city for Muslims. Do you wath the world cup’s game? I like Germany. Your team is better than before. South Africa is an advanced country. It is very beautiful. It is a success for blacks that they have an advanced country.
Today is the father’s day in Iran. Iman Ali was born today. He is a spicial character.
Take care,


Alireza Taghdarreh said...

Hello Bahman,

Welcome back. I am very glad you are relieved from the iimense pressure of your exams. Perhaps you should pick up a nice book to read -- without the fear of any of those arduous exams! Let us enjoy English!


Sue said...

Hi Bahman, What a nice letter. You sound more positive than you did during your exams. I am sure you are so relieved. I watched some of the soccer matches, but it isn't as big a thing in the US. I'm a big American Football fan and I love the Denver Broncos!! I am glad to see that the US did well, because that will make more
Americans pay attention to soccer. What is the difference between Soccer and Rugby?

Your friend, Sue

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