Thursday, July 22, 2010

Bahman's Writing

Dear Sue,
I was in holy Mashhad. A hot summer has started here. I try to write mo re than before spend more time on Santour and music. I work 4 hours in a day with my Taxi. I have ket (key English test) next month. I must practice English more than before. I hope I can pass the exam. I had a good semester in the university. I bear in Tehran. My father bears in Tehran too but my grandfather was born in our village.


Alireza Taghdarreh said...


I think you should have said, "I was born in Tehran and my father was born in Tehran too."
I miss you and am so glad we'll meet tomorrow.

Sue said...

Hi Barack, I learn so much from all of Ali's students! I looked up Mashhad and see that it is near Afghanistan. Is it very mountainous? I would love to hear you play the santur. It looks much like what we call a zither, or an Irish Harp.

I hope you pass the English exam too. Your letter is well done except for a few things: "I bear in Tehran", should be "I was born in Tehran." "I try to write more than before spend more time on Santour and music." I would say, "I will try to write more, but I am spending more time on playing the Santour. Watch your verb forms. Enjoy yourself, and congratulations on a great year at the university!

Your friend, Sue

Alireza Taghdarreh said...


Your KET exam is still 5 months away so you have a long time to prepare for a perfect mark.


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