Thursday, July 01, 2010

Faranak's writing

Hi Sue,
I couldn't written about 2weeks because I had exams.
I spent very hard days, my exams were very compressed and I had 7exams in 10 days.
After that(now), I have to give 2 projects. One of them is hardware and I want to design and make a very small calculator with very very limited operations. Other is about design of elevator.
Sue, in this summer I have a novitiate.
Novitiate is a lessen that most of students have to spend it in a governmental office or a private company about 300hours.
My novitiate is in Ministry of Industries. I have to go there from 8 am up to 4 pm. It is for from my house.
This summer, Tehran's weather is very very hot and quartering is very hard. How is the weather in Us? Is it very hot,too?
Take care, your friend Faranak


Sue said...

Hi Faranak, It is so good to hear from you once again. I have missed your very informative letters! Your novitiate (we would say apprenticeship or internship in America) sounds very tough, as do the two projects you have to design. It sounds like it is work, work, work for a while, but I know it will be worthwhile in the end. It is so difficult to do such work in the heat. We have hot days here in Denver, but very low humidity. I love our climate and would hate to move to the middle of the country or the South where it is very humid.
Here is the way I would have written your letter. I hope it will make you proud that I knew exactly what you said, even though I would have written it using different words. Mr. T can explain why I chose the words I did. You are such a bright girl. Work hard, but take care of yourself.

Your friend, Sue

Hi Sue,
I haven't written for about 2 weeks because I had exams.
I spent some very hard days, since my exams were very compressed and I had 7 exams in 10 days.
After all that, I have to complete 2 projects. One of them is hardware, and I want to design and make a very small calculator with very very limited operations. Another is to design an elevator.
Sue, this summer I have an internship.
This is a time that most students have to spend about 300 hours in a governmental office or a private company.
My internship is in the Ministry of Industries. I have to go there from 8 am up to 4 pm. It is far from my house.

Alireza Taghdarreh said...

Hi, Sue.

The huge enthusiasm churning in our hearts for talking to you moves our fingers to write these letters. These friends spend hours on their letters and believe me the best reward they receive is the corrections you make in their letters to help them so generously.

Yes, it's good to have Faranak back with us. She is so diligent and I am sure soon her English will reach the level of her good knowledge in computers.

Welcome back, Faranak.


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