Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Fattemeh's writing

Hi Dear Sue,
Iam so sorry because I am posting my letter very late.
At first, I want to thank you for posting your special message to Faranak and me. It was very nice and we read it in our class last Friday. I am sorry for friend death.
You are a good friend. You help us for improving our skill in English reading, writing and etc without any expectation and we can't repay you for what you do.
I just tell you "Thank you".
Dear Sue, when I was writing this letter, I had 2 questions. They were "what difference is between say and tell and between improve and progress?".
Please answer my question until again I learn a new thing from you.
Take care, Fattemeh.

1 comment:

Sue said...

Dear Fattemeh, I hope this answers your question a little bit. English can be very confusing and it even confuses me and I have spoken it for many years! We always invent new words, like download, and upload, and 'cool', meaning new and interesting. Here's my answer to you:

Say and tell are both verbs. Say is used to report something, She said, “I’m hungry.”
If there is an object in the sentence, use ‘to’ with it. I say to you…
I could say, The Koran says (reports),

Tell is used to inform or instruct.

I tell you to stop that.
Tell the children to go to bed. I was told to stop doing that.

Or, tell is used when speaking of narration: Tom is good at telling stories.
We tell time, tell our name, tell lies, and tell the difference. It is confusing, I know. It just takes practice.

Improve and progress are both verbs, but progress can also be a noun, or name word.

Improve means ‘get better’. I must improve my English.
Progress can be used as, I have made progress or I want to progress in my studies. It means to move forward.

Progress as a noun can be used like this: Progress is what we all want to achieve in our studies. You would not say Improve is what we…. Pilgrim’s Progress is a good book.

Now I have a question for you: Why are you studying English?

Your friend, Sue

PS Thank you so much for your kind words. I need no reward for helping someone. My reward is when you then go and help another someone. That's the way Allah's work is done. Sue

Longman Dictionary

Education Fire

