Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Albert einstein

He was born in thr year 1879 in the germany .Her father was a saleman .He was in childhood very special and He spoke very late .He was very simple in life and He always wore old cloth .
He played violon becuase he learned it in his chilhood
He took diploma in 1896 .He alwaya took the best mark in the mathematics and phisycs and always he took the worth mark in history and geography.
He wrote many letters for mr borogerdy in Iran about eslam.He understood eslam in his life end and he said that quran is God book and reality but I wish understood it in my youth !!!
He died in 1955 .

1 comment:

Sue said...

Hi, Hamed,

Here is a quotation from Einstein that I have treasured because it answers the problem of understanding that we humans all have:

A knowledge of the existence of something we cannot penetrate, of the manifestations of the profoundest reason and the most radiant beauty--it is this knowledge and this emotion that constitutes the truly religious attitude; in this sense, and in this alone, I am a deeply religious man. I cannot conceive of a God who rewards and punishes his creatures, or has a will of the type of which we are conscious in ourselves … Enough for me the mystery of the eternity of life, and the inkling of the marvelous structure of reality, together with the single-hearted endeavor to comprehend a portion, be it ever so tiny, of the reason that manifests itself in nature.
--Albert Einstein
It may be hard for you to translate this but discuss it with T. I know he can help you.

Regarding your English:

1. I think you misunderstood me: at the end of a sentence place a period, then a space. Like this:

I like candy. Do you like candy?

Now, compare how I would have written your essay to how you wrote it:

"Einstein was born in the year 1879 in Germany. (No articles before countries. Capitalize countries.) In childhood he was very special, and he spoke very late. Einstein was a very simple man in life and the always wore old clothes. He played the violin which he had learned in his childhood.

He received his diploma in 1896. He always had the best marks in mathematics and physics. He always had the worst marks in history and geography.

He wrote many letters to Mr. Borogerdy in Iran about Islam. Einstein understood Islam, and at the end of his life he said that the Quran is God's book and reality. But I wish I understood it in my youth!!!! He died in 1955."
Take all this and discuss it with T and I think it will help your English studies.

Your friend, Sue

I enjoy reading your posts. They always deal with something interesting. Keep up the good work, Sue

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