Friday, October 15, 2010

Bahman's letter to Sue,

Dear Sue,
I listened to all Beethoven’s symphonies. I love all of them. They are so beautiful and fantastic. Parvize Meshkatian is Iran’s Beethoven, because his songs are so beautiful. I go to Semnan by Taxi and bus in this semester. I usually watch the English films on the way. Sometimes I sleep on the way, but sleeping in cars isn’t enjoyable.
Thank you, I will send a song from Ardavan Kamkar to you. He plays Santour like piano. Ali doesn’t like Ardavan’s songs, because he doesn’t play traditional.
My goal is the PhD degree. If I cannot go to university for Master’s Education, I must go to army service. I love to go to university, but Master’s Entry Exam is so hard and difficult.
Nice to talking to you,
Your friend Bahman

1 comment:

Sue said...

Dear Bahman, As soon as I finish this letter I'm going to look up ardavan Kamkar on Utube. I'm glad you liked Beethoven's symphonies. You might try his Sonatas for piano. I love them.

If you can't go to the U for your Master's, how long must you spend in the army. The American army is all volunteer. There is no draft although there used to be during WWII

Are there any books you can get that will help you study for your Master's exam? I had to pass such a test and I studied many hours on a book that helped me prepare for the exam.

Your English is so very, very good in this letter. We grade things in America by A=excellent, B=good, C=average, D=below average and F= failing. I would give this an A.

Be sure you get your rest. No one can operate without sleep. I had to take a nap today. I had gone swimming in the morning and shopping in the afternoon and I was very tired.

My best to you,


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