Sunday, October 31, 2010

Bahman's letter to Sue,

Dear Sue,
Thank you, yes, Iranians have ability to speak poetically. I think it is for our culture. We have many poets. When Iranians are child his family read poem and it is for our rich culture. I love all kind of Iranians poems. I usually read classic poem. Classic literature is so beautiful. I love classic literature more than modern literature. For example Hafez, Sa’adi, Molavi and Ferdosi are classic poems. Modern poet (that it called free verse) is beautiful. I read usually Forogh’s poet in modern poet. It is very interesting that classic literature’s books are until now. We have many wars and captures. Now, we have many books that they wrote about 800 years ago.
God tell:
‘I keep from all things that are godly’.Those books are godly.
I was sleeping when a wise man said:
Why do you choose to imitate the dead?
Since happiness for none unfolds in sleep
Drink now, the dust is your eternal bed.
Khayam…….From T’s book.
Yes, dogs are very much in Iran. I don’t like to keep animals in my home, because they are free. We should not take them. Dogs in Islam are unclean and we shouldn’t take them in our home. If a Muslim touches a dog he became unlike. We use dogs in a flock of goats or sheep for example a sheep dog. Now, people have dogs and keep them in their homes. Peoples play with them. Much kind of dogs live in Iran. Bulldogs are very popular and expensive.

1 comment:

Sue said...

Dear Bahman, I sincerely apologize for answering Sabbar'
s letter, thinking I was writing to you.
I also love your classical poets. I am familiar with Rumi, Hafez, Sa'adi. I know the name Molavi and Ferdosi but haven't read them. I wonder if Forogh's poetry is available in English. Do you know?

"I keep all things that are godly." I love this phrase, and another way to say it is that much of what the classics wrote was Hermetic Knowledge--ideas and visions which say some truth in such a way that there is no better way to say it. Hermetic truth is visible to me in the sculpture of Michaelangelo, the music of the classics, the sound of the violin and the poetry of the classics. I know you have other points of hermetic truth from your culture.
I believe God gives us these points of truth to grasp as we live our lives, and the wider our vision, the more truth comes into our lives.

Your friend, Sue

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