Hi Sue
Dear friend, I had missed you because during this time I didn't have communicated with you. But I was always reading your answers to other friends because I'm interested in your writings and I learn many things from them.
I read in your post that you want to come to Iran. Is it right? It is the biggest my wish. I love to see you and speak with you face to face.
Dear Sue, my university has been started since 3 weeks ago. Civil engineering has 3 projects in the graduate. Some friends and I decided to take one of them this semester. In this project, we must design an educational building. The building has 7 floors and it occupy 1370 sq m of space. It is difficult but attractive. We must deliver this project after one year and during this time 3 professors help us. We must give our work report to one of them every week.
In Iran, schools have been started for a week. I go to a high school for teaching on Thursday. I can go there only on Thursday because other days I must go to the university. I have taught geometry since 4 years ago. I love math specially geometry very much. After a week heavy studies of university, it is variety for me. I like to continue both teaching and engineering in the future and I love both of them.
Sometimes, I accept private teaching. I can't accept many private teachings because I don't have time.
I had one question from you "what traits must a good teacher have? Do you have memory from favorite your teacher that send it to me?"
During this time when I wasn't writing for you, I want to do other my work and then with open mind I write for you.
Thank you very much for reading my letter.
I wish the best.
Your friend, Fattemeh
I am very glad to see you come back to the site. Thank you for writing to us. This is very important for your English. Besides, all your friends miss you a lot and would like to see you with us more often.
Just keep writing to us.
Hi Dear Friend, I'm so glad to hear from you. From what you say, you are a very, very busy lady! I am so glad to see the envolvement of such intelligent women in the world's business. I think we have a unique voice.
Your project of a school sounds so interesting. As a retired teacher I immediately began thinking about how rooms should be designed and what I would dream of having were I to teach there. Let me know how your project continues.
I dream of coming to Iran, but, for various reasons, I am afraid it is a dream. I asked these questions however, because I have so little information about everything in Iran. I am thinking of writing about a young American who goes to Iran - therefore I need to know details about travel.
I am impressed that you are teaching math at the high school level. I am sure you are a great teacher! I believe that the most important trait a teacher can have is the ability to listen to students and to get them to communicate with her/him. A story: My friend is a music teacher and a 7th grader told her yesterday, "You are ugly." She took the time to talk to the student and the little girl said, "I was trying to be funny and get the kids to like me." My friend put an arm around the child and said, "You're my friend and there are other ways to get attention than hurting someone." She said that the little girl, from then on, was eager to study and sat by her in every class.
Your poets speak so much of love and friendship - Rumi, Hafiz and others: incorporating their ideas into the classroom, as much as possible, is my idea of good teaching. Love means wanting a safe place where children can learn and feel secure. Sorry this is so long. Take care, Sue
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