Thursday, July 29, 2010

Faranak's writing

Dear Sue,
In Iran, students spend 5 years in a primary school, 3 years in a secondary school, 3 years in a high school and 1 year in a pre-university.
Most students are usually out of school in a summer, almost 3 months.
Students at university can take a summer semester and for this semester they can get a few lessons so they usually don't do this.
We don't have a winter holiday, instead of it we have Norooz holiday about 2 or 3 weeks.
Holidays in Iran are a lot, although we fall into this habit and like it, it is not good for us.
I can say about cost of schools,
In recent years, parents must pay during a registration and the cost depends on schools.
We have two types of schools: governmental and nonprofit.
Some costs of governmental schools are paid by parents and some by the government and the total cost of nonprofit schools are paid by parents so these schools get more money.
We have several types of universities: governmental, nonprofit, unattached,...
All universities except governmental ones get money and the costs of some of them are very high and the degree of a governmental university is more creditable than others.

1 comment:

Sue said...

Oh, thank you, Faranak, Such good information. We have 6 years in a primary school, usually 2 in a junior high school, and 4 in a high school. It amounts to about the same amount of time. Schools are usually out in the summer from the middle of June until the middle of August. We have lots of 1 day holidays, too. It's a way for working people to get a break, I guess.

If one goes to a public school, it is paid for by the government through our taxes, but if one goes to a private school, parents have to pay.
Colleges are almost always costly, unless the student wins a scholarship for academics or sports.

ARe governmental colleges actually better in Iran, or are they just said to be better? I think that private colleges have more respect than government colleges in the US. They are usually more expensive and have a better ratio of students to professors.

By the way, this was beautifully written. Only one sentence was a little awkward-- "I can say about the cost of schools"--I would probably have said: "Concerning the cost of schools: in recent years..." It's really a very minor detail and the rest of your letter is great! Keep up the good work!
Your friend, Sue

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