Monday, August 02, 2010

Miss., Mrs., Ms. and Mr.

Thank you very much for explaining so patiently the differences between these titles. If I may, I would like to continue to ask you another question. Is it correct to use any of these titles with first names in the US or England? My suspicion is that it is not accepted in formal English. If my suspicion is correct how common or accepted is using these titles with first names in informal English? I mean should we avoid it altogether?
Thank you for bestowing so much knowledge on us.

1 comment:

Sue said...

These titles are commonly used with the last name only in formal English. If I say Mr. Ali, it just doesn't sound right to me. However, perhaps my avoidance of this custom goes back to common custom for blacks to call white children they may be caring for by Miss and the first name, or for a young boy, Master and the first name. A black servant would say, Miz Sue, or Master Joseph etc. It is almost a sign of class distinction rather than one of respect. Does that make sense? Frankly, I would avoid it. I would rather just be called Sue, or in some situations, Mrs. Petrovski.

Longman Dictionary

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