Sunday, October 10, 2010

Masnavi reading invitaion

Friends all, 

At 8 o'clock, Monday morning Tehran time, Sabber and I are going to start our Masnavi reading sessions.  We will be delighted to have anyone who is interested in our company not just on Monday, but on all the many days which will follow this first sessions..   Sue, it was such a great honor for us to see you want to study the book with us.  Reading the Masnavi will stictch your heart to the heart of every single Iranian.  What a precious opportunity.  Thank you very much for sharing this lovely endeavor with us.  Your help is very much needed as we try to cope with the English translations. Yes, of course we plan to read the English translations very carefully too.  We plan to read both translations we have available here:  One by Nicholson and the other by Javid Mojadadi.  We will also read The Essential Rumi by Coleman Barks.  In addition to these we plan to read the original Persian poems very carefully.  Today it is only Nicholson's translation.

We want to adorn our classes with great literary works from the east and west.  You and Herman are the ones who can help us on our way.

This is an invitation to all the friends who come to my English classes to join the Masnavi reading sessions which will be followed by other great works of literature.  Just let me know if you are interested.



Fateme said...

Hi Mr.T
How are you?
Excuse me, do you want to read Masnavi English or Persian?
I like to participate in your class, it seems very attractive and I am free on at 8 o'clock, Monday morning.
Maybe I can come to your class.
Did you have the class today?

Sue said...

T, It would be helpful to me, since I will be present in spirit only, if you would give me some idea of which pages you will be studying at each session. I have both translations that you mentioned as well as the Barks book.


Faranak said...

I really love to read Masnavi. It is very helpful for us.
I can come to this class on Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday.

bahman said...

Hi,I love to read Masnavi with you, but I can go only on Fridays.

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