Thursday, October 14, 2010

Moving on in Masnavi

Hi Sue,

I have studied the first 20 lines with a number of our friends several times.  They are Fattemeh, Faranak, Sabber who was the first behind the idea of reading the whole Masnavi in classes, Maryam and Bahman who will certainly participate. It is quite likely that others join in too. 

I am delighted that you are traveling hand in hand with us.  To tell you the truth, this is exactly your presence in this lovely endeavor that has poured so much passion in us and encouraged us to read the book like this. 

I am gathering a number of short thoughts on these first lines and will put them on the site in a day or two.  These few first lines are known as the book of the Nei and it is unanimously believed that Rumi has poured the whole Masnavi into them.  We may call it Masnavi's plot or an outline of everything ahead in the book.

I was exhausted at 12 midnight.  I missed you so much that I thought I'd come and talk to you a bit before I just collpase.

Take care,

1 comment:

Sue said...

You bring tears to my eyes, my friend. I had such a good day: 5 of my books were sold in one shop, and an older lady was sitting and reading my book. She was totally caught up in my words and it made all the work seem worthwhile. I am very proud of this work. It is ME and I have been getting lots of positive comments. I'm so glad I wrote it.

Then, I went and arranged for another booksigning in a bookstore in Golden, Colorado, a town where I used to teach. I love that town. My 89 year old friend has been forced to enter an assisted living home there, and I went to visit her. She is so sad and I wish I could help her in her loneliness. With tears in her eyes she said, "Aging is so hard, Sue. Don't do it." I wish!! I am still healthy, so I still have to face the time when I can no longer do the things I want to do.

I'm so proud of you and your work reading the Masnavi with your wonderful students . This is a holy work, Ali. I feel you are meant to do this and these young people will never forget the experience.

Rest, my friend, rest.


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