Thursday, September 16, 2010

How most of professors teach!

Dear Sue,
You asked me " How do most of professors teach?"
We have 2 types of lessons: Specialized lessons and General Lessons.
Specialized lessons are main lessons which communicate with our course, for instance, in my course, computer, one of specialized lessons are writing a program.
General lessons consist of a literature, an English language and some religious lessons.

In specialized classes, Professors usually lecture and use slides and whiteboard for teaching. Sometimes students must give a presentation about special subject. These classes have a conventional method.

General lessons must lead our mind and in these classes all students have to say their idea freely . Professors have to listen to their speech even their speech were wrong after that professors can tell students their mistakes in a logistic discussions.

But general classes aren't like this. We have a few free discussions but we can't say every things we want.
In these class, professors teach a book that understanding it is very difficult for us and we just memorize it for a its exam.
When we ask a religious or political questions we hear these answers: "We don't have enough time","Let me teach your lessons after that I answer you" and other answers like these.
In fact they worry about their situation.
Some professors are very sympathetic and they want to answer but they can't so they answer indirect.

Dear friend, these methods are in engineering fields and I think students who study social sciences are freer and braver in speaking and their professors allow them say their idea more than us. They have free discussions more but they have to be cautious about their words.

It is a long letter I hope you don't became sleepy now and I could answer your question.
Your friend, Faranak.

PS. Dear Sue, most of our professors disagree with these methods and the methods of education gradually became better(I hope!).

1 comment:

Sue said...

Dear Faranak, This is a beautiful letter and it answers my questions about education with great clarity. I would think it was written by a native English speaker! You are doing very well, and someday I hope you can come to America and I can talk to you.
I am trying to write this piece describing the different types of educational philsophy and it is taking me some time because I want to be very careful about it. Also, I don't want to say something that is not true.

I understand how some of your teachers feel. Years ago, we were required to sign a pledge that we would not instruct our students in communism. It was during the time when Russia was not a friend. So silly, because now many Americans have no idea what Communism is or was. Duh!

Your friend, Sue

Longman Dictionary

Education Fire

