Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Niloofar's letter

Dear sou
I'm very happy about partake to the class of Mr taghdarre.

I and my sister(her name is nastsran) went to the english class about 3month ago.

In last day we were in vacation and me and nastaran went to the english class.

When we went to the class we could saw franak,sabber,bahman,sahere in the class.

We watched a document film &we speak english together.

Last day was a good day.

I like to learn english, I hope you help me.

your friend Niloofar

1 comment:

Sue said...

Dear Niloofar,
You are doing very well with your English. I understood your whole letter. Here are a couple of suggestions:

1. Names of People always begin with a capital (large) letter. Nastran, Bahman, Faranak, Mr.Taghdarre.

2. When you list yourself with others, always say their names first:
"My sister and I", not I and my sister. Also, Nastaran and I went to the English class. (names of languages are capitalized.) Farsi, Persian, English, French and others.

It is very good practice to speak English together. I'm glad you thought it was a good day.

Your friend, Sue

Longman Dictionary

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