Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Sabber's letter to Sahar

Hi Miss Sahar
I'm Sabber. I have written a letter to you and you
answered me, now I want to say: Why you don't
write letters for our website?
Of course we know you are busy.
We know you are a musician and I think the
number of musicians in Iran is not more than other
countries like America, so if you share your
knowledge with us we will know many things
about music.
In Iran we don't have many musicians so please
answer my questions about music.
Thanks a lot.


1 comment:

s.twins said...

Hi Mr Sabber. I thank of your auspics to music. We have the big musicians in Iran. For example: Mr Shajarian and Mr Nazeri at sing. Mr Meshkatian at playing of the santour and etc...
An intersting news, Ms Lili afshar is the first woman who recived doctorate at playing of the guitar at the world. She is an Iranian. She is in Iran now and she will has a consert and I will say to you it's time when I understand.

your friend Sahar.

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