Friday, October 08, 2010

Our Incomplete Existence

Galway Kinnell is an American poet who has won numerous awards and just recently won an award worth $100,000 US. For me, poetry is a music to my soul, and very often Kinnell can write in such a way that one knows there is no better way to explain what he has described. My soul is complete when I read his words. Here is a quote from him:

"Everyone knows that human existence is incomplete. Among those who are especially troubled by this are those who turn to writing. Writing is a way of trying to understand the incompleteness and, if not to heal it, at least to get beyond whatever is merely baffling and oppressive about it."

I encourage you all to write. Keep a journal, or at least try to write down one thought in Farsi and English every day. One does not get wise except by tiny steps. I hope this will encourage each of you, before you go to bed, to look at your world and universe and to write a bit about it.


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