Friday, October 08, 2010

Sabber's letter to T

Hello Mr. T
How are you today? These days I am looking for every film or
every thing that help my and all other students' English.
Actually now I have understood what English is and now I can say that I love it
and I think without you and Sue and other kind students never Couldn't talk or
write as well as now.

With your help, we can finish all episodes of the BBC planet earth series
and many good documentary.

Now I want to say that I am ready to start reading the Masnavi and every time that you were free we start it.
If I have many mistakes in my letter to you, I'm so sorry.

Take care .


1 comment:

Sue said...

Ali, Sabber, if you are going to read the Masnavi in English please include me. I don't want to intrude, and I know I could not keep up with you if it was in Farsi.


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